
Hinduism Followers

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Hinduism is a combination of religion, culture, and philosophy that saw its beginnings in India (Molloy, 2009). Followers of Hinduism have a strong belief in a cycle of reincarnations, virtue, and karma. Unlike other belief systems, followers of Hinduism are not held to a particular set of beliefs. They live a particular way of life that governs all that they do and is governed by their own traditions, ethics, philosophy and theology. Within the Hindu faith there are several themes that govern their way of life and are all related in one way to each other. The prominent themes in the Hindu faith are karma, moksha, samsara, Brahman and yoga. Of these themes, samsara stands out the most to me as the most essential of the Hinduism themes and is also one of the most prominent themes for all religions that originate from …show more content…

Samsara is an endless life progression that incorporates life, death and reincarnation and has followers seeing for freedom from the cycle (Ryan, 1999). Within the Hindu faith, samsara is believed to be a theme that life is based on an illusion that individuals are autonomous beings instead of acknowledging that there is a connection between an individual and reality. Through this illusion, individuals act in a way that not only will generate karma, another theme of Hinduism, but that will maintain the cycle of actions leading to reincarnation based on those actions. When the follower grasps the unity between all, they will have the potential to end the cycle of samsara and obtain moksha, which is the liberation of the continuous reincarnation cycle (Dehejia & Dehejia, 1993). Within the Hindu belief, samsara is considered to be highly undesirable amongst followers because of its erratic nature and their unawareness of how their actions from this life or previous lives will affect their

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