
Hispanics Stereotypes Essay

Decent Essays

Many hispanics have dreams to go to college and pursue their career as doctors, engineers, architects, teachers, etc, but many don't have the opportunity to do so. The community of hispanics are brought down with all the negative comments they get. In an article, Here Are All the Times Donald Trump Insulted Mexico, Trump calls Hispanics criminals,people with bad manners, and uneducated. When saying Hispanics are not smart and uneducated it can lead to their lack of self confidence and negative thoughts about themselves and those who stereotype them.

There are many stereotypes saying that hispanics are uneducated and aren’t smart because of many reasons and one of them is that some parents are not making enough money so their children drop out of school and try to get a job. The rates of dropouts were really high since 1996 to 2012 because there are students that work instead of going to school. It’s not all true because actress Jordana Brewster went to Yale and got her B.A. in English. Also, a 9th grader,who wants to be anonymous, said that nobody would have guessed a hispanics getting straight A’s just because of her race.

Secondly, There are many people that I personally know that left school or their parents left school to be in a gang or maybe they …show more content…

Their parents might be stressing them too much so sometimes they can actually get depressed or anxiety because they feel worried they aren’t good enough for their parents. They also might take the people who stereotype them as a threat. Trump is a great example for someone who stereotypes Hispanics as “rapists, drug dealers, illegal, and uneducated.” Hispanics have this mentality that many people will stereotype and judge them just because of their race. It is true that many people want us out of the U.S. but we just have to keep on going, keep our heads up, and be proud of where we are from and who we

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