
Hispaniola Essay

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Nevertheless, the United States intervened in other Latin American countries, including the Dominican Republic and Haiti, to prevent social uprisings which threatened to de-stabilize the island of Hispaniola. In 1913 a threat of a revolution in the Dominican Republic brought an American squadron to the coast. Tensions began to subside until May of 1916, when the next revolution occurred. The U.S. navy landed sailors, while the commanding Admiral threatened to bombard the capital, Santo Domingo, unless the insurgents surrendered. During the revolution threat, the State Department worked out a deal in which the United States would control Santo Domingo’s tax collections and spending. Likewise, financial instability and political unrest …show more content…

As a growing nation-state after the war for independence against Great Britain, Washington sought to protect the United States from European interventionalist by avoiding formal alliances. Royal decree number 1135 was signed by the Saudi king on July 7th, 1933, “granting a concession for the exploitation of petroleum.”
United States foreign policy with regards to Aramco, drew similar comparisons the dollar diplomacy methods used in Honduras and Nicaragua. By 1933, Saudi Arabia suffered heavily from the global depression. So, when the United States became interested in renting Saudi Land for oil exploitation, the King had no choice but to sign. Therefore, the United States used her vast quantities of capital as a leverage - much like the short-term loans issued in Honduras and Nicaragua - to assist the Saudi government during the Great Depression. However, the United States involvement in the development of Saudi oil counters George Washington’s declaration that the United States should avoid seeking favors (drilling rights for money) from the foreign nations. As the World begins to turn towards a second global conflict, the U.S. foreign policy once again uses the economic might to stabilize the rapidly destabilizing world. As U.S.

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