
US-Latin America Essay

Decent Essays

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the United States was the most dominant power in the Western Hemisphere. European nations conceded to the United States their right of any intervention in the Western Hemisphere and allowed the United States to do whatever they wanted. The United States took this newly bestowed power and abused it. The United States intervened in many Latin American countries and imposed their policies on to these countries against their will. A perfect example of this aggression is what occurred in the Dominican Republic in 1904. The United States intervened in this sovereign nation and took control of their economy and custom houses. A memorandum from Francis B. Loomis, the United States Assistant …show more content…

They use this clout to achieve their goals in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic was in severe debt with European nations at the time. The United States goal was to payback the Europeans using the Dominican’s custom-houses (Loomis 4). These custom-houses were important economically to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic received one hundred million dollars from the custom-houses since its independence (Loomis 2). The United States used its clout and convinced the President to give the United States the custom-houses receipts and the supervision of public expenditure (Loomis 4). Instead of using the money to benefit the poor people of the Dominican Republic. The United States used the customs to pay back the debt to the already powerful nations in Europe. These interests and goals fueled the United States actions in the Dominican Republic. The United States supported and protected the very unpopular President Morales who was engaged in arm conflicts with rebels. The United States supported Morales because to the United States considered Morales to be an intelligent, well-being and honest man (Loomis 3). Also, Morales fought the rebels who attacked the properties of American Citizens. Morales was the one who agree to give the United States control of the Custom houses so he could try to maintain peace in the interior of the country (Loomis 4).

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