
Historical Accuracy In Killing Beloved

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Toni Morrison illustrates the traumatic effects of slavery and how it was able to substantiate itself through a family over time. In Beloved, Sethe was used to demonstrate that even after years of liberation, she was not able to break free from the past. Morrison’s novel emphasizes the cruelties of slavery and illustrates that the history of slavery should not be forgotten or avoided. Morrison’s novel not only demonstrates historical accuracy on the content of slavery brutality, it also reveals how the institution of slavery critically damages the slave's’ psyche and demoralizes them.
Through the novel, Morrison’s connections of the accurate historical events and the plotline is use to illustrate the violence that the institution of slavery …show more content…

Sethe’s fear overtook her stream of conscious because she did not want her children to be a slave like her. Sethe believed that the only way of escaping slavery was death. Killing Beloved was an effort to destroy the past and rewrite the future. Sethe cannot move forward because all the encounterments of the past that still haunts her. Sethe explains to Denver the imprints that slavery has caused her. Through fiction, Morrison was able to compare historical facts that occurs during slavery to emphasize the effects it caused to the slaves. In the minds of slaves the only way to escape the institution of slavery was to eliminate the source of it: the slaves themselves. Without any slaves, slavery could not keep going. Through the use of Sethe, Morrison was able to illustrate that slaves’ emotions and memories were a guide to their actions and that demonstrates why the slaves would committed suicide to getaway from slavery. Additionally, in Beloved the schoolteacher characterizes Sethe’s characteristics. Her “ human characteristics [were] on the left; [and] her animal ones on the …show more content…

Sethe’s mother in “her rib was a circle and a cross burnt right in the skin.” ( Morrison,37) This correlates to when the travel of the Middle Passage and the crew members would “examine their cargo, and literally brand the flesh of their human cargo with scorching hot iron tools” (Muhammad,895) Before the slaves aboard the ship to travel the Middle Passage, the Europeans stigmatizes them. This process is a mark usually a symbol that is burned into the skin to identify their slaves from the rest. This process is also called human branding. This was done with Sethe’s mother and it was a mark to identify her from the rest. This is similar to livestock branding; this was done to either identify or it was a sign for punishment. Human branding was another example of the dehumanizing of slaves. The symbol was a signature of ownership similar to an animal it represents that she had no rights. Stigmatizing was not over when the Middle Passage died, it continued to live until slavery was over. Additionally, human branding also demonstrated the belonging of the slave to the particular owner. The author accurately demonstrated through the use of Sethe’s mother that human branding still existed when the Middle Passage died out. This scene was to show that even things that are left in the past are still present in the future. Morrison showed that many year later the treatment of slavery did not change, it continue to stay present, even after the Middle Passage died out.

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