
Historical Context and Performance Reflection of Ocean Alley

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Ocean Alley is an ensemble consisting of 6 musicians (guitarist/vocalist, lead guitarist, rhythm guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and drummer), which was established in 2010 on the Northern Beaches, Sydney. Ocean Alley is currently touring various local pubs around Sydney and is also going to begin recording its next EP as of next month. The band encompasses elements of natural, beat driven reggae as well as various components of psychedelic rock through a large number of inspirations(Alley). This has given the band a highly diverse, unique sound of psychedelic rock/reggae fusion(Alley). This review will examine the historical context in which this band has grown from as well as the textural and structural characteristics in its live performance, as well as in comparison to its studio recordings. It will focus on the compositions of Yellow Mellow and Freedom Lover to highlight how the use of texture, density and the fusion of two genres can create a highly distinctive sound that sets them apart from other ensembles.

One of the main genres that Ocean Alley has embraced is reggae. Reggae is a specific genre created in Jamaica, formed through heavy rhythmical elements where the rhythm guitar can almost be seen as a percussion instrument on its own through the use of the expressive technique known as staccato. This, in combination with distinctive drum and bass rhythmic structures, as well as a particular chord structure has created a genre that has combined elements of funk,

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