
Historical Truth Analysis

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The line between truth and obstruction is paper-thin. One minor detail could throw off even the most objective of thoughts. It is good that when accounting for events within the narrative of history that there are multiple witnesses that have or felt the effects of what had particularly happened. History is the objective struggle for solid truth among older and newer perspectives, and with the joint effort of historians with various backgrounds in politics, economics, biology, and other social sciences history itself has been formed into an infallible myth. Truth is term that is universally and loosely defined. Webster’s New World College Dictionary describes truth as that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality. Counterpointed …show more content…

Carr, author of What is History, writes “there is no ‘objective’ historical truth’ this is a thought that many historians and students consider. From this claim, Carr is trying to get the reader to see that history is not so much “truthful or factual” as it is based on the authors perspective – thus opening up a debate on whether history is simply a myth. Some could argue that history is nothing but a myth. We can ask ourselves do we believe in God? We have never seen God yet we believe in him (or at least a higher power), so can history follow that same path. As with history there are varying accounts of God and “who he is” or “who’s God is right.” One could say that if we can accept God as truth then we could accept history as truth. Thus Carr also illustrates by claiming that history either has a meaning or no meaning, there is no in …show more content…

Historians can be every day people recording day-to-day events, politicians making decisions that will affect masses, or biologists recording statistics for animal populations. With these various backgrounds comes overlapping of perspectives between them. The collective perspectives in the times of events, strolling hand in hand with the way these events were recorded, shape the way modern historians view it. Henry Thomas Buckle stated in regards to collective history that, “The singular spectacle of one historian being ignorant of political economy: another physical science, some by one man, and some by another, have been isolated rather than united.” This statement was made in the nineteenth century, and since then communications have developed and blended all of the various backgrounds quite conveniently. The researcher now has unlimited access to primary and secondary sources. Thus, making research for in the day historians much easier and less painstaking when putting together various

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