
History Lesson Poem

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The poem “History Lesson” reveals the reality as both past and present by poetically comparing one photograph to another from former age. The poem shows time progressively from the time beaches were segregated to desegregated beaches indicating progress. In the beginning, it appears to be just a simple memory of a woman being 4 years old on a beach with her grandmother. Towards the end of the poem the older photograph has a sign marked “colored” a reminder of the cruelties of Jim Crow laws. It shows how the laws affected even simple pleasures we take for granted. This also shows how cruel the laws were keeping such pleasures from a child.
II. Ingredients The meal sack dress on is the visual counterpoint to the bikini the child-self wears, which seems like a symbol of progress out of poverty with only beach instead of a sign. The plot goes from a “narrow plot” (14) to a “wide strip” (2) showing the change. The poem is written in the first person point of view which helps make the poem feel personal and more relatable. The entire poem has a joyful feel until, as a reader you realize the event occurs during segregation and the beach appears empty because they are the only black people there. …show more content…

The title suggests to the reader that the poem will be about a major event in history but instead the author talks about how two photographs at the same beach are completely different. The beach is not different because the beach has changed but because people have. There is a parallel reference to ‘flowered hips’(3,16) that reminds us of past discrimination and imposed poverty The content of the poem would suggest that time moves progressively forward. However, the structure of the poem and in particular Trethewey’s use of resonance suggests otherwise. Time is referential here, gauged in relation to a moment that did and did not change

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