
History Of Dr. Clay Siegall Espouses Landmark Cancer Treatment Therapies

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Dr. Clay Siegall Espouses Landmark Cancer Treatment Therapies
Many doctors, physicians, researchers and biotech companies--including the revolutionary Seattle Genetics research facility--are now turning to antibody-assisted cancer treatments and precisely targeted cures instead of treating cancer with a cocktail of chemicals and radiation that generate risky side effects and damage the healthy tissue that patients need to recover. Cancers are among the most frightening and difficult-to-treat illnesses. Ranked as the leading cause of death and disability, cancer is actually an umbrella term that covers many different diseases. Each person faces a unique disease because cancers interact with the body's existing cells, so each case has a …show more content…

Each chromosome is labeled as one of four types: A, C, G and T. Genomic medicine is the study of the sequence of those letters. Small changes in the code can make someone more susceptible to cancer and other diseases. The code letters can also differentiate one type of cancer from another. Understanding the genome can help doctor devise a better treatment regimen for any given patient. Professor Dame Sally Davies of the NHS is recommending that medical facilities rapidly sequence the genome for all patients. The NHS has already sequenced the generic blueprint of more than 31,000 patients. [2]

Studying the DNA code enables doctors to make faster and more accurate diagnoses of diseases and facilitates developing targeted treatments for patients--especially for victims of one of the many forms of cancer. One clear example of the diagnostic benefits of genomic medicine is diagnosing prostate cancer. In the past, this form of cancer was hard to diagnose and required blood work, biopsies, colonoscopies and ultrasound mapping. Genomic medicine has helped a Dutch hospital develop a prostate cancer test that only requires two weeks to diagnose the malignancy and begin a course of treatment. [3] The faster that any cancer is treated, the better the chances of recovery will be.

Seattle Genetics Develops Genomic Cancer Treatments
Seattle Genetics is a Washington-based biotech company that's working diligently to develop targeted ADC cancer cures. The company has already

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