
History of Hotel Sector Development in Riga

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Introduction 3 1. First Inns, Pubs and Taverns in Riga and Latvia 4 2. Hotel Development in 18th-19th century 6 2.1.Common characteristics 6 2.2. Hotel St. Petersburg 7 2.3. Hotel “Stadt London” 8 2.4. Hotel “de Rome” 11 3. Hotel Industry during period of First Independence 13 4. Hotel Industry during the Soviet Union 15 4.1. Common characteristics 15 4.2. Hotel “Daugava” 16 4.3. Hotel “Ridzene” 17 5. Hotel Development in period of transition, and, after joining EU 19 Conclusions 23 Bibliography 25 Introduction The theme of this Study Paper is „History of Hotel Sector Development in Riga” . The aim of this Study paper is „ Characteristics and analysis of Hotel Development in Riga in different …show more content…

More simple institutions were called as an inns or lower category taverns. These institutions usually were located in the cities. At countryside they were named simply as Pubs. In some 19th century 50s document are found two types of guest service establishment: Inn and Pub. Pubs were counted as Inns for farmers; these places had the right to sell beer and spirits. In its turn inns and taverns partake in three subspecies: 1) Inns- in german called Bauerneinfahrten; in russian- zaezhije dvori; 2) Jewish wayside inns-in german called ebraer-herbergen; in russian-evreijskije postojalije dvori; 3) Russian wayside inns-russkijie postojalije dvori. Significant, that tavern did not pay tax nor to city or to country. There were just four of so called Russian wayside inns and they were located in suburbs of Moscow. As name proclaims, these inns had served mainly Russians, in opposition to Jewish inns, where you could meet not as many Jewish people as Riga citizens and immigrants. Russian wayside inns often have operated without special permissions and their owners had avoided paying taxes.[7, pgs. 31-32] As seen from 1850s report regarding tavern revision, 18 taverns had been inspected and in Riga for highest category establishments were approved just two: “Hotel St. Petersburg” and “ Stadt London” 2.2. Hotel St. Petersburg The hotel’s building was constructed in 1750, becoming a hotel in 1763. It was one

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