
Gogol 's The Nose And Diary Of A Madman

Good Essays

Stella Gerson
Block H: Russian Lit

During the transition of literature from romantic to realist, 19th century writers would often observe and remark on the ideas of social status and vocational rank.
Although the stories may be different, Gogol’s “The Nose”, “The Overcoat”, and “Diary of a Madman”, produce the same effects: a critique and truthful outlook, whether tragic or satirical, of Russia’s nineteenth-century social climate and workplace hierarchy.
Through the story, “The Nose”, Gogol is attempting to satirize a society that is so obsessed with rank and social status. Something as upsetting, nightmarish, and preposterous as a missing nose from a face should be concerning in itself. But, to most it seemed relatively unalarming. Since it was dressed as a State Councilor is invokes feelings of envy, admiration, and inferiority in both the citizens and the main character. The man who the nose belongs to, is even too afraid to speak to it because the nose appears to outrank him. Such a silly idea is yet a profound commentary on Russia’s social climate.
“The Overcoat” is another story by Gogol that provides an outlook and remark on how social rank reflect upon the individual, both externally and internally. As the reader, we feel sympathy for Akaky as a character who is overlooked and verbally degraded and abused by his co workers. He is pushed to reacting only when it all becomes utterly intolerable. Before Akaky is even given his name, he is

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