
Hitman Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

Chicago 2018, Tyrone sits still in the corner head down on the verge of sleep. All while the loud music plays people dance jumping up and down up and down, balloons in the air. Everyone having fun at the party everyone having fun but Tyrone. Tyrone then decides to leave the party and go home. The next morning he wakes up and starts thinking, “Man, nothing I do is fun or interesting…my life is boring.” So he decides to call his friends, Jose and A-Aron, and ask them if they have any fun ideas for him to go out and do. When Tyrone asked A-Aron he told him to go to Six Flags, but Tyrone just responded with,”Nah, been there done that.” But when Tyrone asked Jose a light bulb went off when Jose said jokingly, “ why don't you just hire a hitman …show more content…

Place it in a duffel bag at 30th street and I'll pick it up.” said the hitman sternly. “Fine its done 1,500 but give me an hour to prepare then you can start that's all im asking.” “Your hour starts now” said the hitman in a raspy voice as he ends the call. Then Tyrone slowly sets down the phone and realized that he did not ask for a name or a description of what the hitman looks like. But he shook his head and got to work. He grabbed a duffel bag and filled it with the 1,500 dollars. After that he grabbed his backpack and filled it with water, and a pistol with one magazine. Then he finally grabs hit trusty pocket knife and slides it into his pocket. Tyrone started making his walk to his car after getting ready and saw that he had only 30 minutes to drop off the money at 30th street and drive as far away from there as possible. The chase was …show more content…

He quickly drops off the bag and speed off. Tyrone kept on driving. He was two blocks away when his car started run out of gas so he pulled over got out and started running. Tyrone ran for six blocks then came to a sudden stop. In the distance he sees a man in a black tux, with black slicked back hair and a beard, The Hitman, staring towords Tyrone. Tyrone then stares back in fear with a million thoughts of, “What should I do.” Tyrone decides to take out his pistol and shoot at the hitman once, he misses, and start to run the other way. The people on the street start to run in all directions in chaos as the hitman chases after

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