
Holding Onto Reality

Decent Essays

Holding Onto Reality

For me, Holding On to Reality, by , does just that: grabs on to the realest, most relatable ideas about the Information Age, and refuses to let go. I have had a difficult time talking and writing about Borgmann. For our class listserv responses, I felt like I had nothing to comment on. In our class discussions, I had a hard time figuring out what everyone was talking about. Borgmann’s writing style (and diction and even content) is clear and straightforward, and it leaves me at a loss for anything to interpret or explicate. Borgmann writes sentences like “Social critics and information theorists are divided on whether information is the devil or the Second Coming” and “Information through the power of …show more content…

For example, if I read Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, and bring to my reading my personal understanding of fiction writing and my life experiences to date, I might decide that Plath has created a brilliant work of fiction that should be meticulously picked apart, diagrammed, dissected, and combed for meaning. But, if some other woman read The Bell Jar, bringing to her reading a limited knowledge of fiction writing, but a deeply personal understanding of depression, suicide, and mental illness, she might decide that Plath’s work is a misconstructed, misrepresentative, and even offensive piece of literature. What the author creates is a guide, an outline, and even an imagining; the reader may imagine or conceptualize the author’s text in an entirely different way. So, whether authors have definite intentions or not, it is unrealistic that their texts will produce only one interpretation.

In Borgmann’s conclusion, he presents an idea that I find central to our class and its discussion of the role of the Internet and the Information Age in our lives. He writes, “Information is about to overflow and suffocate reality” (213). With the invention or development of new technological devices or advances every day, this suffocation seems imminent. With the Palm Pilot, the DVD player, with cellular phones that check e-mail and computers that play movies, with all the newer technologies with which

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