

Decent Essays

The book Holes, written by Louis Sachar and published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, is a young adult mystery and adventure novel. It was published on August 20, 1998, and won a Newberry and National Book Award. The novel follows an overweight Stanley Yelnats as he is wrongfully accused of stealing shoes and is sent to Camp Green lake. Throughout the generations, Stanley and his ancestors have been cursed with bad luck since his “no-good-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather,” Elya Yelnats, promised to bring Madame Zeroni up the mountain to drink it’s magic water but didn’t follow through. Even Stanley’s great grandfather, Stanley Yelnats the first, was robbed of his fortune by the outlaw Kissin Kate in the early 1900’s. Nevertheless, …show more content…

One day he finds a gold lipstick tube with the initials K.B. inscribed on the side of it. As a result, The Warden of the camp forces them to dig around where he found it, which makes Stanley suspicious of what they’re here to look for. Overtime Stanley befriends Hector Zeroni or “Zero” and teaches him to read and write. One day, Hector runs away into the desert after the staff humiliates him and Stanley chases after him three days later. Once Stanley finds Zero dehydrated under an old flipped over boat, he convinces him to walk towards the mountain that looked like a hand giving a thumbs up. Once at the base of the mountain, Zero is too weak and dehydrated to move on so Stanley carried him up, even though he’s still overweight and dehydrated. They eventually reach the top where they discover water and an onion field. They eat and rest on onions for a week before deciding to return to camp to look for what the Warden desired. They dig and dig until they eventually find the treasure chest with Stanley’s name on it, or the fortune that kissin Kate stole from his great grandfather and buried. Then, it’s revealed that the Wardens ancestors, the Walkers, have been looking for the treasure Kate Barlow hid for generations which is why she

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