
Homeostatic Controls Essay - Homeostatic Control

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Homeostatic Controls Essay Monday morning, tired as ever, I roll over and look at my clock to my surprise it’s 8:00am. In that instant my first reaction is you hurry. I stand up and go to my closet, hitting my big toe on the side of my bed and causing a lot pain. I scraped off the top layer of my skin which is called the epidermis. I instantly felt pain in my big toe thanks to the cutaneous receptors. (1) The receptor sent a message to my brain telling me that I should probably keep my toes away from the corner of my bed because that will cause pain. In the hurry to leave my house I didn’t have time to go to the bathroom. So by the time I got to school and into my class my stretch receptors were telling me it was about that time to go and take a leak. I ask Mr. Butler if I could use the restroom and to my astonishment he said “No!”. As I sit there in his class becoming nervous if I can hold it until the end of class. I start sweating uncontrollably. My temperature had risen from the rise of nervousness. My hypothalamus of my brain had noticed my temperature increasing and activated my negative feedback mechanism in order to maintain the good ‘ol body temperature of 98.6ºF (what goes up, must come down (and vice versa)). My body starts fighting back by dilating blood vessels to give off heat by sweating. (2) To my relief the bell rang for next class, I wait in line to use the restroom. As I get to my stall I drop my pants and to make this day greater

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