Homework is meaningless. Despite its advantages on learning, it is taking its toll on individuals who contribute to it. These individuals are the trio known as the students, the parents, and the teachers. One of the characteristics that they have in common is that they all coherently partake in the learning environment: teachers assign homework, students do the homework, and parents communicate with their child and teachers. This symbiotic relationship takes proper communication and collaboration. It is essentially a team effort. No student, parent, nor teacher should work by themselves. Therefore, they all need each other for student success. Without proper communication, there would be lower academic performance. Students go to school to …show more content…
Since tedious workload is correlated with stress, students eventually become disinterested in school. Although all types of students are affected by homework, those who take rigorous classes are more stressed than students who take easier classes. They have to dedicate more time in completing a heavier workload. According to Harris M. Cooper, director of Duke University 's Program in Education, that these type of students voluntarily take rigorous courses want to put an academic edge to their profile, so they have the opportunity to outcompete other students for the best universities. Later on in life, overachieving students wonder if all their hard work is worth it or if they had just wasted their time.
In addition, homework affects student social life. With little to no homework, students are able to expand their horizons and to discover their passions. Homework is a culprit to disrupting bonding time. They struggle with procrastination due to various factors. One of these factors, however, is due to its difficulty and the hours dedicated in completing assignments. On the other hand, students who take easier classes tend to have little to no homework. Therefore, they have more time to socialize and more time study. When students with easier classes receive homework, it does not take them hours to complete. Therefore, they tend to enjoy their school career more than honor students. Since the time it takes to complete homework prevents students from
Not only does homework help student but also it creates interaction between teens and parents. However, statics has shown that even though homework is a way to refresh what students have learned, it also create stress for students. Homework has shown its benefits for student but most of the time when student is given a homework it’s likely he/she will not do it. They believe it’s stressful,and when they can’t get the right answer, they gave up instantly instead of keep practicing. According to researchers, they believe that when student do more homework they get better grades and do well on the test/quizzes that were given. Even though homework has many advantage toward students, it also has disadvantage. Which include having too much homework and these things could lead to mental health issue toward students.
In summation, homework provides students with the capacity to allow them to succeed on their day to day lives when it is not on excess. There is, of course, some questioning on whether homework directly helps student have a better academic performance. However, it is clear that homework guides children to the necessary developmental growth needed to succeed. Additionally, it contributes to a healthier parent-teacher and student-parent relationships in order to provide students with the necessary atmosphere to grow full
Homework can affect kids’ health. According to the study from Stanford University, students in successful schools in upper to middle class families go through high levels of stress. Also, these families are at a higher chance of having health problems. For example, a lack of balance in their lives and they can feel distant and lonely from their community. Students proclaimed that they have a lack of sleep, headaches, stomach aches, etc. Student proclaimed that they try so hard to keep their grades up, homework came first after school, then spending time with family and friends, and doing after school activities. According to Child Development, Cari Gillen-O’Neel and her co-workers observed at how each night of teens’ study and sleep times were
Homework has been an area of discussion for teachers, students, and even psychologists. It’s been a practice which has been used throughout the United States to help students learn material, reinforce their day’s lesson, or just as busy work to improve a student’s work ethic. Several people view homework as useless, or just plainly unhelpful; this view has been demonstrated ever since the early twentieth century, where many authors and politicians were vehemently against homework, going as far as to write whole books and draft legislation (legislation which had passed the Californian government and had been law) against homework. This opposition has ever since faded, but is now seeing a new movement around America, and there are reasons as to why that is. In an article from CNN, they quote a study from another article published by The American Journal of Family Therapy which states that: “students in the early elementary school years are getting significantly more homework than is recommended by education leaders, in some cases nearly three times as much homework as is recommended”, and, as such, students are raised within a state of stress from the first grade. Several other studies also find that homework is very hurtful; the Journal of Experimental Education published an article which had made a study that found that the average amount of time students spend on homework each night had been 3.1 hours from a sample of high-performing schools in California, when the recommended time on homework is, at most, one hour each night. Homework has been mandated work for students all around the country, and several others, and the workload seems to only be increasing, and so, how might this workload affect a student’s ability to live a healthy life, a teacher’s work plan, and a psychologist’s view of an enormous workload on a student?
Homework has the greatest affect on our lives, even on our teachers and parents,as well as students.The purpose of homework is to connect the gap between children’s learning at school and at home.Most children abhor the purpose of homework.Others insist that assignments are a very important factor in the life of students and that it should be maintained.Homework has a positive impact on children and may help a child’s future life and career.
When you think about school one of the first things that pops into people’s mind is homework. Basically if you have asked your parents or your grandparents they would say that they remember the homework load. Now we all know that homework can be beneficial but also can be very unhealthy with all of the stress that it causes. Over the years the homework load has increased because of the fact that schools think that they need to try to keep up with other countries in academics. And will doing all of this homework now be all for nothing later? The homework load has increased these past couple of years and it is causing a lot of stress on kids and overall is not helping their academics in the long run.
Homework can become more closely monitored to assure that the work being assigned to students is useful and engaging. Parents and students are unhappy with homework assigned as busy work which offers little depth and instead just consumes the student’s time (Melvin). If the High School could keep a closer eye on what teachers are assigning students, this would help to alleviate students who are stuck performing monotonous tasks night after night that do not contribute to their overall educational experience. To elaborate on this, different forms of homework impact certain students differently and good teachers will be able to deliver educational value through different types of work. (Terada). Teachers who always assign only a single type of homework will inevitably be unable to engage their entire class. In order to fully get everyone to become involved and engaged in the work allotted, the school system should make sure that the homework teachers assign to students is constantly
First of all, students should not get homework is it is one cause of stress. If students don't get their homework done they can get stressed. In some cases stress can cause depression or worse things. It’s just not good.
“Homework is arguably the worst punishment inflicted upon the student body.” One would think this extreme statement would come from the 10-year boys and girls who complain to their parents about the homework they have to complete. However, Rodney Jones starts of his argument against homework using this statement. He argues that homework does not help children taking up all their time. Continuing, he explains how parents should extend child’s knowledge out of school instead of homework and in the end these assignments do not help students grade. However, in contrast of Jones’ beliefs homework indeed benefits children’s learning through the small amounts of extra practice it gives to help the students excel.
In order for students to solidify their core understanding of certain topics, homework must be used because it allows students to recall what they have learned outside of school and learning skills can be improved. “For example, Harris Cooper summarizes many of the positive outcomes that homework has on a student’s life. Cooper categorizes these outcomes into four different sections: immediate achievement and learning, long-term academic benefits, nonacademic benefits, and greater parental appreciation of and involvement in school. Under the first section, Cooper explains that one’s learning can progress rapidly because there will be an increased understanding, better critical thinking, greater concept formation, information processing, curriculum enrichment, and better retention of factual knowledge for a student in the learning process. In terms of long-term academic benefits, homework allows students to learn anything they want in their leisure time, an improved attitude toward school can be observed, and new study habits can be formed to finish homework can classwork in more efficient timing. However, Cooper’s third category is considered one of the more important ones because it shows how homework is not only limited in the life of an academic enthusiast, but also for others, who do not focus on studying academic-related subjects. For instance, according to Cooper’s studies, he has found that self-direction,
The term “homework” has many different connotations and definitions associated with it. According to Merriam-Webster, homework is “work that a student is given to do at home” or “research or reading done in order to prepare for something.” Going off of the first definition, homework is commonly associated with those enrolled in both public and private institutions, primarily elementary school, middle school, high school and college. In order to better understand the concept of homework, it is helpful to examine homework/education in other countries, the history of homework in the United States, homework in contemporary society and how American teachers are changing their teaching styles to help combat student stress as a result of homework.
Homework takes away from a student’s ability to socialize outside of school. 70% of students have reported decreased time spent with peers in order to do homework.
The homework controversy has been going on for a quiet a long time with no end in sight. Homework is defined as an out of class task assigned to the students to help with practice or prepare for the future. Homework has been around a long period of time. It has set and traced as a tradition of having teachers assigning work and students completing it. Parents say that teachers require it and teachers say’s that parents demand to help their kids to finish it. Teachers assign homework to help some students improve their grade, pass course, re-learn the subject you learn in the class, and pass the course for those of who do not do well on tests and exams. Can homework be considered helpful or harmful? This interrogation turns into an argument or debate between two reasonable subjects. Especially for the student’s athletes or any students who enjoys after school activities, homework hurts probably the most. The assignments take away time, which could be spent on doing more productive actions or spend time with your family or may cause unnecessary stress.
Bishop, author of the article “10 Benefits of Homework,” remarks, “In general, students are not excited about the homework they get assigned because they are bombarded with other options that seem more exciting. Lets face it, homework is no more exciting today than when we were kids,”which covers the totality of the student mind when given the workload that is homework (Bishop). Homework has always been something that has been presented and required for students without question. While this may be true within the schooling system, people are starting to wonder if the stress and diminishment of one's social life that homework plagues upon us as students entirely worth it. Although the workload may be strenuous, homework also has the ability to benefit the student, whether it may be in terms of the increase of responsibility and the ability to multi-task, or in terms of the students discipline and work ethic. Being given multiple tasks within the schooling system can prepare students for the real world and the harsh realities that the real world has to offer. Nonetheless, the act of doing homework can promote responsibility as well as accountability for students in the near future, homework should not be assigned because of the fact that it diminishes the students social life, which is crucial to one's mental health, increases the stress on students in and out of school, and adds more obstacles for them in terms of juggling things such as work and or taking care of
High School students have an exceptional amount of homework and extracurricular activities, which leaves them with little time to study. The main reason teachers assign homework is to reinforce what students learned in class and to help students memorize concepts with repetition. Many teachers do not realize how long their assignments take to complete and that many other teachers also assign lengthy homework. A student, Eve, says that “his teachers pile on homework, so much to where [he is] staying up until nearly three in the morning” (Gonchar). Eve clearly will not have any time to study since he is staying up doing homework the next day. Students like him, who might have trouble managing time, will feel extreme pressure, which will result in them cheating. Students feel like they need to take extracurricular