
Homosexuality And Its Effects On Homosexuality Essay

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Throughout history, homosexuality--a sexual attraction that exists between members of the same sex-- has been defined as a sin, a choice, an unwanted condition, a result of being frightened by women, and a type of mental illness (Murphy, 1992). The theories surrounding homosexuality can be classified into three broad categories: (1) pathology, indicating an illness or disease; (2) immaturity, signifying an irregular psychosexual development; and (3) natural variation, indicating homosexuality occurs naturally (Drescher, 2015). Because of the beliefs and controversy surrounding homosexuality throughout history, religious practitioners and psychologists developed treatment options to cure those who displayed homosexual tendencies. The most popular type of psychological treatment developed was conversion therapy. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is used to change someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual (Haldeman, 2001). Different types of treatment options for conversion therapy include psychodynamic, behavioral, hormonal, surgical, and spiritual interventions (Murphy, 1992).
The purpose of this literature review is to analyze and evaluate the research that promotes conversion therapy as an acceptable form of treatment. First, sociohistorical context that produced different conversion strategies will be discussed. Second, exploration of various claims made about conversion effectiveness are addressed. Third,

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