
Honesty In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

“Honesty is of God and dishonesty of the devil” (Joseph B. Wirthlin). To be honest means to be free of deceit and untruthfulness. It is a sign of sincerity. Dishonesty is deceitfulness shown in someone’s character or behavior. People believe honesty is important because it builds trust in a relationship. Honesty is the best policy no matter what the circumstance.
There are negative effects to always being honest. Telling someone the truth could cause more harm than good. Hiding the truth could keep someone safe. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Heck Tate lies about how Bob Ewell dies to protect Boo Radley. Heck and Atticus both know that telling everyone Boo killed Bob would bring him out into the center of attention which Boo cannot handle. Being

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