
Hoovers Relief Efforts Essay

Decent Essays

Hoovers Relief Efforts In the early years of the Great Depression, before 1932, President Herbert Hoover was faced with a terrible problem. The entire country, and to a large degree the entire world, was in the midst of one of the worst economic recessions in current history. All around the country, people were out of work, down on their luck, and starving. One in every six American males was unemployed, and the future outlook was not much better.

In 1930, drought struck Arkansas, worsening the already terrible conditions under which the poor sharecroppers and landowners lived in. The Depression had already been had on these farmers, who had seen the market value of their produce dwindle significantly. As conditions worsened, …show more content…

The local Red Cross leader met them outside, and told them that if they would wait a half hour he would get them what they needed. He called his bosses in Little Rock, explained the situation to them, and was granted permission to release the food to them. Thus, what could have been a major tragedy was avoided, and the farmers and their families were fed. The national media, however, portrayed it as a mob of starving angry farmers robbing and looting the town of England. The negative portrayal of the scene led an already worn and frightened public to worry about unrest and revolution.

The conditions were hardly better in the large cities. In Detroit, were the entire economy centered on the auto manufacturing facilities of the Ford Motor Company, conditions were especially bad. Mayor Murphy tried to give as many people welfare as he could, but soon the number of people needing help forced the program, and the city with it, into desperate financial straights, but because of Hoovers policies, there was no federal money to help them. The members of the communist party, never numbering more than 2000, led thousands of workers in protests on Detroit streets. One of these protest led the workers to the outskirts of Detroit, and the grounds of the Ford plant.
They were met there by the Detroit police and the armed plant guards, who warned them that they were not going to be permitted

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