
Horace Bushnell Definition Of God Essay

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To say that the definition of “god” as defined by the Free Online Dictionary is of truth is partially accurate. However, the definition is beneficial for defining religions of Abrahamic faith that align with views of “classical theism” it proves erroneous in attempting to define religions characteristic of monotheism.

Section A characterises God as the “perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator”. For monotheistic religions that abide by “classical theism” such as Christianity, this statement carries truth. In the domain of Christianity, God is defined as “The Almighty… beyond our reach and exalted in power.” (Job 37:23)

The terminology referring to God as “The Almighty” and “beyond our reach and exalted in power” coveys how Christians …show more content…

On the premise of Bushnell’s argument, the definition is shown to be of truth, as the Christian interpretation of God is believed to control the reality of the world in the interest of Christianity.

Despite, Article C carrying partial accuracy it maintains that the being of supernatural powers or attributes is characteristically male, reflected in “especially a male deity”. As a consequence, this hinders the truthfulness of the definition for certain religions do not place high regard on the gender of their deities or gods.

Allyson Jule explores this in her book Gender and the Language of Religion (2005) ; through stating in Buddhism “the main canon, the Tripitaka, concentrates on discussions and rules on how best to reach a Nirvana, a state of consciousness beyond definition. As such, the gender of the divine is irrelevant entirely.” Therefore, in certain religions the gender of gods and deities are not of significance. Consequently, illustrating the implications of generalising gods or deities to be characteristically

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