
Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat

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Biology Report Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat Implantation of HGP in meat- is a highly controversial issue not only in New Zealand but also around the world. There is also many myths and misconceptions surrounding added HPG’s in the meat that we consume. In this report I will be discussing the effects of HGP in meat, the opinions for and against this procedure and also my own personal stance and proposed societal action. Hormones are certain chemicals that are naturally present in all organisms. These hormones are heavily involved in an organisms body functions and are essential for reproduction, development and growth. (a1) Hormones ability to stimulate growth is the reason that they are implanted in meat. These hormones are called …show more content…

This is further proven by a report that states, “A 3-ounce serving of beef from an implant steer has 1.9 nanograms of estradiol, and a 3-ounce serving of beef form a non-implanted calf has 1.3 nanograms. There are 28 billion nanograms in 1 ounce; therefore the difference is extremely minuscule”. (B6) This shows that the amount of hormone that ends up in the meat is so small that it could never pose serious risk to a consumers health. It is also important to note that the human body produces hormones in quantities much greater than could ever be consumed by eating any food. An average man or woman produces an astounding 35000 times more hormones than could ever be present in food. (B7) Therefore the concern over creating a hormone imbalance by consuming treated meat is minimal because the amount is so small in proportion to the amount we naturally produce. The only way our hormone balanced could be seriously threatened is by consuming meat that had been implanted incorrectly by misplacement of the implant (e.g straight into the muscle cells). This would be a critical error in method which is safe guarded by all meat being tested before being processed for this very reason. Overall the use of hormones produces a leaner and more quality meat that has reduced level of fat which is beneficial to the consumer. One more developing concern is that food allergies will be

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