
Horse Life Lessons

Satisfactory Essays

Just before I entered High school my parents separated and my life was turned upside down. My father had been the bigger financial provider in the family, but that is not to say that we would struggle if he was not around, or at least that was what I thought. My sister and I moved into a thirteen thousand square foot house, which was a downsize from our twenty-four thousand square foot family home. We continued our lives, making small cut backs here and there to save money yet there always seems to be just enough for us to get by. Sometimes it would come close to the end of the month and my mum would say something like ‘no more spending for the rest of the month’ or ‘our monthly budget is out’. Despite this, my sister and I were still able to take dance lessons and now we both competitively ride horses. The horse life is an expensive one, but we have found ways to cut costs, which is why we are able to do what we do. Nevertheless, we have done okay for ourselves in the last four years in the financial department. Now, most families in situations …show more content…

The money for these lessons and shows comes from the child support that my mother receives from my father. We have been fortunate enough to find a coach that has reasonably lessons prices and our on property horse shows are reasonable as well. But this is something that my sister and I work very hard at, therefore my mum usually lets the expenses slide. We refer to horseback riding as my therapy. I am also at the barn, including commuting time, six to nine hours a week which makes it even harder to have a part time job, which brings us back full circle to why I am in need of financial aid. In conclusion, recieving this financial aid bursary from the Waterdown District High School staff would be an enormous help to me while I pursue my post secondary educations in Digital Media and Journalism from Wilfrid Laurier University in

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