
Horseshoe Crab Essay

Decent Essays

The horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

The horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus is known as a marine chelicerate arthropod. It’s from the Limulidae family and more commonly found along the northern Atlantic coast of North America.

The horseshoe crab makes use of different habits depending on it’s current stage of development. They lay there eggs on the coastal beaches during the late spring and summer. Once the eggs hatch, the young horseshoe crabs are found offshore, within sandy areas of tidal flats. Adult horseshoe crabs are found in deeper parts of the ocean waters (National Wildlife Federation). The horseshoe crab is more related to arachnids, which is a group related to spiders and scorpions, rather than crustaceans, which are more related to crabs, shrimps and lobsters (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission).

The lifespan of a horseshoe crab is up to 20-40 years in the wild. There structure has not changed much for the past 445 million years. One hypothesis is that the hard exoskeleton of horseshoe crab allows them to survive predators and as a result they have been to live through many decades. Horseshoe crabs have a unique and premature body structure which consists of a hard shell, referred to as a molt, which acts as their …show more content…

Visual cues are used to locate nesting pairs, and chemical help decide if they want to stay with the nesting female. While approaching potential mates, male horseshoe crabs use visual cues to find female shells that are buried in the sand to differentiate their sizes (Schwab). Visual cues are also crucial during mating, since it’s been found that light is a major factor that’s associated with the seasonal and diurnal variability (Barlow). Visual cues also promote other behavioral response that guide the speed of locomotion and the direction the horsecrab is

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