Maggie Solis (approaching both Officer Myers and Officer Ramirez): Both children seem to be Ok, but we’ll need to transport them to the Hospital for a full medical evaluation. Will Child Protective Service be at the Hospital?
Officer Myers: Yes, they will be dispatched to the Hospital in fact, CPS will be there by the time you arrive.
Maggie Solis: Great, then were on our way.
Scene 2: Maggie Solis and Lucinda Doe arrived at the Hospital with the children. Maria Moreno from the CPS department was waiting for them at the main Hospital entrance along with two Special Victim’s Investigators, Raul Ponce and Simon De la Fuente who were assigned to investigate the case. The investigators will go back to the house to investigate and the children are taken to a private room where they will be
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Rodriguez (addressing to Maria Moreno): Before I can let you question the children, I have to do a series of testing to make sure they are stable and healthy.
Maria Moreno: That’s fine with me, I understand Dr.
Dr. Rodriguez went in the examining room along with a lab technician to examine the children. The Dr. examine them from head to toe and concluded there were no broken bones, bruises, or any visible trauma inflicted on the children. The lab technician then took some hair, saliva and blood samples from the children and a couple of hours later all test were done, the results left everyone puzzled.
Maria Moreno: What’s wrong Dr. Rodriguez? What is it? Can you please for god’s sake tell me what’s wrong?
Dr. Rodriguez (puzzled and scratching his head, turns to Maria): The tests can’t be wrong, we ran them again and again.
Maria Moreno: What do you mean the test are wrong?
Dr. Rodriguez: I can’t explain it, we took blood samples from the children and ran the tests, but the results came back from a dead person and not just a dead person, but someone who has been dead for some time.
Maria Moreno: What do you mean a dead person? You must of have ran the wrong
On Thursday 12/24/2015 at approximately 2307 hours. Security Officer Omar Alonso (420) was contacted by E.D. Charge Nurse Sharey Selover about an uncooperative intoxicated male patient, Jose D. Gonzalez (DOB: 03/30/1977; FIN# 85006354), come in through the EMS Offload area. Officers Alonso and Ayuso reported to the call and observed an intoxicated male being wheeled into the Special Care Unit (SCU) E.D. room # 39. According to his assigned Nurse Sara Lopez, the patient had been involved in a physical altercation and had been kicked hard in the groin area. Patient did not behave badly or disruptive once he saw that Security were present and his Nurse was able to get his vitals, blood work, and urine without having any issues. Security staff
There are four people of interest. Blood, hair, and fingerprints were all found at the scene as well
Child Welfare: Children were present at the time of the meeting. Children seemed to be well and
First patient, is 18 year old Sue Smith. Sue has a healthy history but has recently complained of a pounding headache, fever, tight neck, and is extremely lethargic. She rooms with her soccer teammate Jill who has not been feeling well either. Lymph, blood, and urine are collected for testing. Her DNA sequencing was used in a
Medic 1 was dispatched by 911 to 1234 Main St for a possible code blue for a 5 year old Male. Fire Dept was on scene as this was the location of a structure fire. Along with Fire Dept the local first responders was on scene. The first responders arrived on scene and requested ALS from dispatch. Medic 1 arrived on scene to find a child lying supine across the street from where the fire was located. There was four to five fire firefighters located around the patient assisting first responders. As Medic 1 arrived on scene was was given a history on the patient from first responders. They noted that the boy was pulled from the house that was on fire by firefighters and started mouth to mouth ventilation's. They said when they arrived on scene they
He then asked the girls if he could speak to them individually. Juliana and Estela left the office, along with Security Cortez. Montana stayed in the office with RD Jessica and Sergeant Theo. Montana initiated the report by saying that some of the comments that Devon made began as “typical guy/teenager stuff” but soon after it was more than that. She told Sergeant Chavez about a time when Devon asked Montana and two of her friends if they wanted to play “Cridddle.”
Ms. Dicks greeted CPS in the hallway of the building. CPS introduces herself to Ms. Dicks and the reason for CPS visit. Ms. Dicks reported that she does not know where the child Zanasia is. CPS asked Ms. Dicks if CPS came come into her home. Ms. Dicks reported that there is no reason for ACS to come into her home as ACS has done nothing to help her locate Zanasia. CPS apologies to Ms. Dicks and asked her if she can speak
Ms. Palmenta discussed with the evaluator the incident that occurred in October of 2013, at Drea’s school. She reported that she informed Mr. DaSilva that she would be picking the child up from school. She stated that he told her “no
This worker had to intervene on 3 different occasion when Elizabeth and Carlos began to discuss aspects of the case, their relationship, and their disdain for several individuals involved in the case. This worker explained that any conversation not related to the visit and positive interaction with the children could not occur. Both parties agree and were able to continue the visit without further incidents.
12:35pm- two reported were received regarding this concern (Case IDs: 26668674 and 26668668). IRTC spoke with the source from Case ID 26668668 who reported that all the children except for Gianna (reportedly at a friend’s home) are at the hospital, but staff members are unwilling to discharge the children until NYCACS is present. Source confirmed the narrative of the report and expressed that the subject child was reportedly engaged in a physical altercation with another child in the home. The alleged subject heard the commotion from downstairs and made his way upstairs to confront the subject child. The subject child’s mother tried to intervene to no avail. Subject child was choked/ strangled by the alleged subject resulting in a red linear
Upon arrival, I had initially provided support in standing by while the Narcotics team went through the house getting everyone out. I then was asked to assist in search the two female subjects that were detained. While searching the females I went back to my vehicle to grab another set of gloves. While I was doing this, I had seen Officer Fredrick #1111 had one of the subjects identified as Keith Gray W/M (DOB: 07/09/1958) on the ground. Officer Fredrick had advised me the subject just fell face forward. With my EMT medical knowledge I looked at the subject and noticed that he was having what appeared to be
“Yes, that’s okay Dr.Timmy, but what kind of tests are you doing on me, Dr.Timmy? Hopefully, they don’t take some blood tests, or ask me a lot of questions because I hate needles, and answering a lot of questions.
“That is correct.” I turned quickly to the door. Ian Typhus was there with Selena right behind him. In my quest to learn my past, I wasted all my time to escape. Ian glanced at the scientists on the floor. “We share killing as a similar hobby,” he said with a scoff. He pressed his foot against the scientist wearing only underclothes. Selena stepped in and my eyes went straight to her bulging belly. She looked to be about four months along. Impossible since I saw her basically naked, two days ago, with a very flat belly.
Action: CSP and MHS discussed the youth medication log and medical appointments. Pierre was walking around the house and playing with a stationary baby activity center. The youth tried to take my keys and cell phone to play. When MHS walked around, the youth followed. MHS explained the youth had a family visit later in the day. The DSS worker would have someone provide transportation. MHS explained bio-mother did not keep up with medical appointments and youth had to get immunizations. Pierre was action around the home and MHS explained the youth gets up every morning with the older children.
CP waited for grandparents to pick up the children from Lucinda's home. Grandparents did provided their contact information to CP. The children were calm