
House On Mango Street Research Papers

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In the story “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros it follows Esperanza a young twelve year old Chicana (Mexican American girl) who struggles to define herself; also, experiences sexual adversity which she overcomes with her passion of writing. Esperanza must define herself as a woman and her awareness changes over the course of the novel. Esperanza the novel’s hero and narrator is an aspiring writer who wishes to have a home of her own. Also, the story captures a year in her life as she matures emotionally and sexually. Rachel and Lucy Esperanza’s best friends are Mexican-American sisters who live across the street from Esperanza. Lucy the older sister was born in Texas while Rachel the younger one was born in Chicago. Sally is a young girl Esperanza befriends the same year she moves to Mango Street. Sally and Esperanza are the same age, but Sally is sexually and mentality mature which is what Esperanza likes about her. She doesn’t appreciate Esperanza’s friendship often ditching her to run away with the local boys. Her father physically abuses her, so she runs away before the eighth grade to marry a man who treats her miserably. Esperanza feels protective of Sally. …show more content…

After Esperanza and her family move to their new home, she quickly finds a friend in Lucy and Rachel two girls from across the street. During the first half of the year, they have numerous adventures such as: riding bikes, exploring a junk shop, playing jump rope, as well as befriending a young woman named Marin. In addition, for Esperanza and her friends puberty is near; therefore, it exposes them to adulthood and pressures something they’re quite not use to. Also, she constantly nags about her family’s poverty and her difficult-to-pronounce name; moreover, Esperanza loves to write poems who she only shares with people of her

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