
How Audio Players Changed Our Lives

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How Audio Players changed our lives
The "phonautograph" was the first device capable of recording sound signals accorded to "The Routledge Guide to Music Technology." Martinville 's device could not reproduce sound signals though.Thomas Edison invented the tinfoil cylinder phonograph, which made the first recording of the human voice.By 1878, Thomas Edison had launched his Edison Speaking Phonography Company to produce recording and playback machines, which were intended as dictation machines for business purposes.A guy by the name of Emile Berliner adapter Martinville idea into a disc music player he called the "gramophone."In 1896, Eldridge Johnson is the first to use the spring motor record player in a hand-cranked motorized …show more content…

It ran on 5 flashlight batteries and weighed in at over 3 pounds (fully loaded). Later, Mercury Records would release a selection of music on Philips cassettes for about $6 a piece. Cassette and 8-track tapes would dominate the portable music world for the next 20 years.Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s Sony was the king of miniaturization,and in 1979, they released the first truly self-contained portable music system, the TPS-L2 Walkman cassette player.
The Walkman’s real innovation was its size, measuring only slightly larger than a cassette tape itself. Featuring a pair of portable, lightweight headphones and operating on AA batteries, it ushered in a new era of portability. The original Walkman retailed for 33,000 Japanese Yen, which would be around $274 US dollars today. The Walkman went on to sell millions of units and spawned numerous variations and imitators for many years after its initial release.As you can tell each year the nation comes up with some different technology.

Old turntables v.s. New turntables
The fact of the matter is that old turntables are almost certainly sonically better than new ones for the price. There are of course exceptions, with turntables with cult followings fetching outrageous prices on eBay. Old turntables will generally be much cheaper than new ones, and can go as low as

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