
How Audit Is Important For Public Interest By Increasing Accountability And Trust

Satisfactory Essays

Audit performs a crucial role in helping public interest by increasing accountability and trust in financial reporting (ICAEW, 2005) given recent allegations of corporate misbehavior and Upon various scandals, like Enron and WorldCom in the US has made the pubic to question the role of audit in society.changes are made to enhance greater transparency in audit but still there’s demand for further improvement. This raises questions about how and to what extent these various demands and concerns is addressed.
Concerning ways to answer this question, it is essential to understand what audit really means, what is its goals, limitations and its role. According Sikka et al the definition of audit are reached by specific social arrangements which are constantly subject to change and as a result this it is hard for the audit to have a fixed meaning. In as much as social and global changes have formed the role of the auditor, there are some components within the definition of an audit that can be fixed. Auditors face conflicting pressure on how to satisfy the needs of shareholders and other third parties likely to have different expectations and demands about the role of auditors. The essay structure is in three sections, the first section gives a brief description of the historical background of the role of audit drawing from the need to create audit, the second section deals with audit responsibility and expectation gap and the third part entails a conclusion of the essay


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