
How Beowulf Is A Hero

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A hero could be defined in a wide variety of ways. To one person, it might be someone who has brought about a desirable change for society. To another person, it may simply be someone who went out of their way to help them when their car broke down. Within countless epic tales, a hero not only acts in selflessness, they have traits that could only be described as superhuman. In the spectacular story, Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon work of literature with no known author, there are three accounts of battles that the hero of the narrative fought with tremendous effort. Throughout it is made clear that Beowulf is extraordinary in more ways than one. Firstly, he is one of the most courageous characters in the history of literature, which is no small …show more content…

Angry himself, Beowulf resolved to defeat a monster once more in the place where Grendel’s mother dwelled. Unsurprisingly, Beowulf, shows he is capable of holding his breath for hours at a time after jumping in the water where Grendel and his mother could be found, as the passage says, “...Without much ado, he dived into the heaving depths of the lake. It was the best part of a day before he could see the solid bottom.” (Lines 1492-1497) Spending almost the entirety of a single day swimming and saving all your breath to make it to the bottom of a lake, fight and defeat a monster, and then back to land, is not something the average person could ever be capable of under any circumstances, especially not in a situation as unique as this. Anybody else would never have made it even halfway down into the lake before drowning in the water, but Beowulf with his incredible endurance did more than that, and still saved the day. Unfortunately for Beowulf, even with his powerful spirit, would one day fall victim to the fate of all people: Death. Though Beowulf was brave, his victories over the years led him to be far too confident in himself. In the final battle against an upset dragon after a theft in his lair, an old Beowulf came to battle again. This time, he was too confident in himself, and “courage quelled his life.” (Line 2707) He managed to defeat the dragon in spite of his deadly wounds, but it was still too much, and Beowulf finally had to break, leaving behind a beautiful

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