A hero could be defined in a wide variety of ways. To one person, it might be someone who has brought about a desirable change for society. To another person, it may simply be someone who went out of their way to help them when their car broke down. Within countless epic tales, a hero not only acts in selflessness, they have traits that could only be described as superhuman. In the spectacular story, Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon work of literature with no known author, there are three accounts of battles that the hero of the narrative fought with tremendous effort. Throughout it is made clear that Beowulf is extraordinary in more ways than one. Firstly, he is one of the most courageous characters in the history of literature, which is no small …show more content…
Angry himself, Beowulf resolved to defeat a monster once more in the place where Grendel’s mother dwelled. Unsurprisingly, Beowulf, shows he is capable of holding his breath for hours at a time after jumping in the water where Grendel and his mother could be found, as the passage says, “...Without much ado, he dived into the heaving depths of the lake. It was the best part of a day before he could see the solid bottom.” (Lines 1492-1497) Spending almost the entirety of a single day swimming and saving all your breath to make it to the bottom of a lake, fight and defeat a monster, and then back to land, is not something the average person could ever be capable of under any circumstances, especially not in a situation as unique as this. Anybody else would never have made it even halfway down into the lake before drowning in the water, but Beowulf with his incredible endurance did more than that, and still saved the day. Unfortunately for Beowulf, even with his powerful spirit, would one day fall victim to the fate of all people: Death. Though Beowulf was brave, his victories over the years led him to be far too confident in himself. In the final battle against an upset dragon after a theft in his lair, an old Beowulf came to battle again. This time, he was too confident in himself, and “courage quelled his life.” (Line 2707) He managed to defeat the dragon in spite of his deadly wounds, but it was still too much, and Beowulf finally had to break, leaving behind a beautiful
It is vital when approaching the question of whether or not Beowulf can be viewed as a hero to attempt to understand the concept of a hero'. Joseph Campbell, the American theorist, studied mythological characters and texts in great detail and developed the concept of the monomyth (or Hero's Journey) which he suggested all heroes undertook:
A hero must do many things to be allowed the title of hero. However, there are some aspects a hero should not show. If these characteristics are shown, they should not be considered a hero. One attribute a hero should not display is selfishness. In the Knight’s Tale, written by Geoffrey Chaucer, Arcite and Palamon acted selfishly. They perceived a beautiful lady. They fought for the beautiful lady. They died for the beautiful lady. Nevertheless, they acted selfishly during this gripping story. For example, they fought for Emily, the beautiful lady, because neither could live without her. Nonetheless, neither ambitious young man could bother themselves to question her on whether she wished to marry either of these headstrong knights. She may not have desired to marry either of them. Therefore, they acted selfish and do not live up to one requirement of a hero. On the contrary, Beowulf, the main protagonist in the epic poem Beowulf written by an unknown source, did not act selfishly. Throughout the poem, he risked his life to fight horrendous monsters to save the good people living in the area. These actions define Beowulf as a hero. Contrarily, Sir Gawain, who starred in the book Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, embarked on a dangerous journey. The Green Knight had tasked him to find the Green Chapel. Before finding the chapel, the tired knight came across a castle tucked away in the peaceful forest. When he asked to stay for a night, his host proposed a trade. The host would
What makes you who you are? Is it the clothes you wear or simply what you say. People can be identified in many ways but what makes anyone a hero? A hero is someone who does something out of selfness of themselves rather than for themselves. Simply by saving an old womens cat in the tree can signify you as a hero to her. But, how do you become a hero to the world? How about saving people from burning buildings or saving someone from a bad guy. Anyone can be classified as a hero but it is hard to be seen by the world as a hero. Look at the story of Beowulf. He was well known by everyone and very strong. He was shortly defeated by a dragon but, that doesn't mean he's doings die with him. He will be forever known for what he accomplished. All Beowulf wanted was to be seen by the world as a hero.
There are many great epic poems. They are all different but alike at the same time. Beowulf, which is one of the best, tells a story like no other. He is not just a honorable hero, he is also a man with respect. Getting deeper into this poem, realizing that from all of his encounters with different creatures he fought them equally. Starting with Grendel, who descended from Cain.
During the whole story, Beowulf could never use swords in battle due to a curse put on him. He had to fight Grendal in the mead-hall with just his iron grip. When Grendal’s mother wanted revenge, Beowulf had to fight her in spite of being exhausted from his fright with Grendal. Even during the battle with Grendal’s mother, Beowulf defeated her despite being injured. The battle with the dragon is the most intense and tragic battles in Beowulf. This battle was hard for Beowulf because Beowulf was not the same young warrior he once was. He was now old and less prepared for the battle. The battle with the dragon was the last battle Beowulf would ever fight and he knew it. He was cut, burned, and bitten by the horrible dragon but even then bravery won out because as the poison was rush through his veins and he could barely fight, he still tried to defeat the dragon. Beowulf and his thane Wiglaf end up killing the dragon, but Beowulf was at an end. He died after that battle because of the
Many people speculate whether or not Beowulf was the true hero that everyone believed him to be. Unsure whether or not his deeds were done for himself or really for his people. However, there is not much room for debating if he was a true hero or not, it was very apparent within the epic that he was.
In Beowulf’s time, a hero was a man who was strong and courageous and willing to sacrifice everything he had to protect his people. Nowadays, a hero is a person, man or woman, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Obviously the meaning of a hero has changed throughout the many years. But the question now, is Beowulf truly a hero?
In the epic poem Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney tells the tale of an extraordinary hero who fought vicious demonic monsters. Beowulf protected the people from the monsters and fought anything he was very courageous and very loyal. He loved the fame he received from all his victories. All these qualities are what make him such a memorable hero.
In the epic Beowulf, readers or listeners are introduced to the powerful hero Beowulf and his band of thanes, who have come to the aid of a clan terrorised in the night by a monster who wanders the fens and attacks their mead hall. Grendal haunts Herot hall for twelve years before, killing Hrothgar’s followers as they sleep in his magnificent meadhall, drawn to their celebrations and pushed to rage. Yet, when the hero of the epic arrives with his warriors and the power of thirty men in each arm, he is not all he’s cracked up to be. For the people who lived during the time this story was told, Beowulf was a magnificent hero, who behaved just as a hero should, seeking out glory, power, and riches, but by today's standards, those very same character
Aristotle had once said that “Men are marked from the moment of birth to rule or be ruled”. (Littrell, “Aristotle”, 2016). Each trait that one must have to be a Hero is in the following: The hero must be of noble birth, the heroes story must arouse fear and empathy to keep the reader interested and entertained by what could happen happen next, the hero must be intelligent so that he may learn from his mistakes, and lastly the hero must be faced with a very serious decision that he must make. All of these traits are what all four of these characters in these books, stories and plays have in order to be a hero.
What a Hero What makes a person a hero? What does he have to-do to become a hero? Today a hero is someone who is admired for his courage and determination. This courage helps a person become a hero and stay one. Beowulf is one of those people with the courage to become a hero.
Think of a hero. Who comes to mind? What makes that person a hero? Heroes are portrayed in fictional tales where they are the ones, who save the damsels in distress. Some save the world from aliens or malignant people. Furthermore, other heroes are scientists, athletes, or even your parents. A paladin is remembered for their honorable conduct, respectable manners, and honest words. It takes more than bravery to be a personage.
The title character of the epic poem “Beowulf” himself exemplifies many heroic actions modeled after the Anglo-Saxon beliefs, while defending his village from the infamous beast Grendel. The Danes of his village believe he is a hero to their society during this time period. However, in today's society, he is labeled as monstrous and arrogant, proving he has no real heroic qualities due to his motives and actions .
Being a hero can be defined many different ways. Several qualities like courage, respect, and strength can define heroism. A hero is noted for his or her actions for being brave, powerful, and acting with honor. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the main character Beowulf shows all of these characteristics by defending the Danish king, Hrothgar, and his people. He is a true hero by honoring his country and exerting his power and strength to protect others. Beowulf embodies the qualities of bravery, being powerful, and demonstrating his honor; therefore, he can be considered a true hero.
While a hero has always been defined as a person or character who is strong, brave, and saves the day, it is important to note how much the qualities of a hero has actually changed over the years. One significant change is the motives behind being heroic. Flash back to the Viking Era and it would be no surprise to see a hero fighting many enemies for one reason: glory. In Beowulf, the hero is actually only saving the neighboring kingdom in exchange to “live in greatness and courage” and fame despite the point of being hero is to do great deeds selflessly for others (Raffel 6. 368-369). Beowulf continuous to carry through with such acts of greed and yearning for praise as he goes to kill Grendel’s mother without reason and then when he is on his death bed talking about how he “sold [his] life/ For this treasure” and that there is to be a light house tomb built in memory of his honor (16. 806-807). Beowulf continued to only be a hero for the many lands he saves only to be known by the masses and honored greatly. This is significant for the time despite how strange it is nowadays, because this story took place in a time when honor was a huge deal to society’s social hierarchy, it is a great deal for Beowulf to receive so many honors over the years. In comparison to Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight shows how truly humbled the knights were to serve the King and their land, partially due to upholding the duty of following the Code of Chivalry. One of the rules of the Code