
How Can Families Created Following Second Marriages Learn to Function as One?

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Name Professor Course Date Social and Economics Change in North during 1790 to 1860 Most of the historians and papers look at the United States after the Civil War in order to trace the impetus for economic growth, people imagine the Civil War as a major force to unite and to move forward to an economic expansion. But, in reality, the important era of the economic development was prior 1790 to 1860 or the era prior to the Civil War. The western expansion provided with natural resources to stabilize and fuel the industrial growth. The strictures, which were existed in the theocracy of New England, were extinguished by 1790 ("APUSH-Wiki-Marlborough-School - Life in the North from 1790 - 1860", 2016). North was not an …show more content…

The whole economic revolution of the commercial economy of the North was larglely backed by the social changes of the time. The process was simultaneous and both the changes reciprocate each other and influenced as well. The social spectrum was changed after the signing of the declaration. The growth of western forms and unavailability of land in the North the farmers of North were out of the competition. The small factories of the cities promised enough dollars to run the family show. When the forms got out of the pictures the family size grew smaller in the North. Farmers switched to Livestock and female became the center of the household. The social unrest was also present because of the ever changing economic scene of the North. Women too started looking for jobs in the firms, some of them decided not to have kids and many were married by their own choice. The arrange marriage was getting out of the picture. Most of the working women were unmarried as the marriage would put them into the house. However, during this turmoil women gained the social control of their lives. The agriculture was switched from the tobacco to corn. The end of slavery was expected, but a big cotton industry put an end to all these hopes and debates. The increased migrated population had its social implications. However the single women had opportunities in the factories. These mills were more mechanized and skill labor was not needed. The salary provided them with necessaties

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