
How Can Rachael Solando Become A Criminally Insane?

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The investigation continues as Teddy and his partner Chuck search for Rachael Solando, the mental patient who has disappeared on the island. The storm outside is progressively becoming worse which means they will need to move fast if they want to find the patient in time. While Teddy is questioning Dr. Cawley about the treatments Rachael was receiving, he responds by asking, “Do you know the state of the mental health field these days, gentlemen?... War. The old school believes in surgical intervention. Psychosurgery. Procedures like the transorbital lobotomy.” He goes on to explain how the new school practices psychopharmachology, which uses drugs to calm the patients. However, Dr. Cawley has a “radical idea that if you treat a patient with …show more content…

Teddy and his new partner Chuck are going to Shutter Island, a mental institution for the criminally insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient named Rachael Solando who was sent there after drowning her three kids. Upon arrival, the staff gives them a brief tour of the island. When Teddy asks for access to the staff and patient files Dr. Cawley denies, saying that he will need to consult with the board of directors. Throughout the film, Teddy has several flashbacks about his wife and kids and from his time serving in World War II. Later that night, he meets again with the doctors who confirm that he will not have access to the staff files. Now infuriated, Teddy suspects that the staff is hiding something from him and threatens to end the investigation in the morning. However, there is a storm that night, so the ferry doesn’t come to the island. Teddy eventually admits to Chuck why he took the case. He reveals that his wife was killed in a house fire by a man named Andrew Laeddis who was later sent to Shutter Island for treatment. However, there was no record of him ever being at the facility. Teddy mentions another man who used to be a patient on the island named George Noyce, who said they were performing some crazy experiments. Teddy believes that the island is host to these mind …show more content…

Cawley if he has seen his partner. When Dr. Cawley replies saying that he doesn’t have a partner Teddy believes that they are trying to trick him into thinking that he is insane. He later rushes to the lighthouse at an attempt to save Chuck only to find Dr. Cawley. The doctor explains to him that he has been a patient here for two years and this has all been an elaborate role playing exercise at one last attempt to save him. Chuck walks into the room and admits he also works on the island. Teddy denies it at first, but after being shown a picture of his kids, he realizes who he really is and why he is here. His real name is Andrew Laeddis, and he murdered his wife after she drown their three kids. After this happened, Andrew blamed himself and eventually snapped, creating an alternate reality in his mind in which he was the good guy again. Andrew saw signs that his wife was mentally ill, but never did anything about it. Dr. Cawley explains to him that they made a breakthrough a couple of months ago, only for his mind to reset, again taking on the alternate reality. Andrew (Teddy) was a danger to the staff and other patients so if he did not permanently accept reality, right now, he would be lobotomized. In the closing scene of the film Andrew is sitting on the stairs with Dr. Sheehan while the other doctors observe from a distance. Andrew then refers to him as Chuck which means his mind would have reset again and he would be lobotomized. Sheehan then

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