
How Computers Can Protect Your Digital Information? Why Not Start With The Computer?

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Have you ever wondered how to protect your digital information? Why not start with the computer(s) that we own. We buy, sell, exchange data from one part of the internet to another. Our personal data is all over the PC. Should we ask ourselves if our PC is protected enough, if using them is safe? At first glance, it starts with your operating system. Windows is common anywhere you go. When you buy a new computer, most likely, it will have Windows OS installed. There are other OS, such as Linux, which is, in a sense, more secure than Windows. Linux has more security than any other OS.
The two primes of the market on an OS are Windows and Apple. Consider Linox for a change as it does not have as many exploits as Windows or Apple, says Strohmeyer (2008). There is a low number of malware out there that was created for Linux. Think of it this way, the more popular the OS is, the more viruses, malware, etc, are out there for it. “Obscurity is one of the biggest impediments to malware on Linux” (Strohmeyer, 2008). Do not take this for granted and assume that Linux is bulletproof. Remember, the OS can only help so much; it is up to the user to be secure themselves through their actions and ideas. For example, the user should not download or click on anything that looks suspicious. There are people out there that do not know what that means; for those users, stay clear away from a computer. The computer can only be as secure as the user is. So, please, save your IT department a

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