
How Cram Changed My Life Essay

Decent Essays

What happened next changed his life. The first thing Cram noticed, true to himself, was the architecture. Overall, he was unimpressed with the style, which he never came to appreciate. For about thirty minutes, Cram battled boredom, until the service started. He described the experience in his own words:
Then, in their white and gold vestments, the sacred ministers came silently to the high altar, attended by crucifers, thurifers and acolytes, and stood silently waiting. Suddenly came the bells striking the hour of midnight, and with the last clang the great organs and the choir burst into a melodious thunder of sound; the incense rose in clouds, filling the church with a veil of pale smoke; and the Mass proceeded to its climax with the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ. I did not understand all of this with my mind, but I understood.
After a life growing up in the home of a pastor, studying art, and designing architecture, Cram’s accidental preparation enabled him to “understand” the experience in a way no one else …show more content…

In May of 1910, the leading businesspeople of Far Rockaway gathered to dedicate the Russell Sage Memorial Church. In structuring the building, Cram and his associates intentionally shifted theology to the forefront by moving the organ. One architecture magazine pointed out that in Protestant churches at that time, the organ often overshadowed both the pulpit and the communion table, but in Sage Memorial, the organ and choir had been relegated to the sides, highlighting the pulpit and table. At the dedication, a memorial address proclaimed that “the very erection of such a building as this for His glory is a witness to a believer’s sense of his unrivaled greatness and majesty.” The architect-theologian designed the church to convey theology and manifest an experience of God’s

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