These past four years have really been a life changing experience. From a childish freshmen not only at school but at home too, to a still sometimes childish senior, one who knows when and how to control himself. This school and its teachers have taught me so many lessons that will not be forgotten any time soon. You can probably imagine how nervous and maybe even a little timorous I was, my first day at Barstow High. It was not very simple to get accustomed to, coming from Hinkley School, which contained approximately four hundred and fifty students at most, to a big crowded hall ways of Barstow. I still remember how nervous I was that first day; my upper lip was shaking as I asked a hall monitor where the five hundred row was located. …show more content…
He first started with a lecture followed by a worksheet or two. For the visual learners after the worksheets he would show short videos about that same subject. Most of those videos were documentaries which were interesting if you paid attention. Another class that I enjoyed was English 2 taught by Mrs. Smith. Yea some people think she is though on her students, that’s because she is but I think that it has a purpose. She gives some challenging assignment that nobody wants to do but somehow she motivates us to complete them. I remember two projects that were fun and effective, not only as school work but to help sharpen our people skills. One of those projects was to write a children’s story book based on an activist from the civil rights movement. Once we completed our book we took part in a field trip to two elementary schools here in Barstow, once there we assigned to a five person groups and we also received a list with the room numbers that we were to visit. We read our books to first as well as to second graders. After we I finished I had some of the children write their named on the back of my book. The second project we were assigned that year and that I enjoyed was to research two authors from the 1800s or so, in collaboration with a partner that we got assigned to. For the first author we had the option to either create a power point presentation or create our own website about that particular author. My partner and I choose to build our
I observed a few ways of conducting lessons from him. The first was in their bell work. They answered the questions (about grammar and geography) and then they went over the answers as a class. The next instruction style was technology. A lot of their work was self-guided and on the computer, at least a third of it. The next was the
When I first attended Houston Lamar High School, I was a little nervous because there were so many kids, but at the same time I felt confident in what I was doing. On my first day there, Mrs. Kamla introduced me to the class and
My biggest weakness and my economic status transformed me into a better student, and help me grow up as a person. I moved from a Spanish speaking country, where I did not know English at all, to The United States of America about six years ago. As a newcomer and the first generation of my family in attending to a university, I had had to overcome the language barrier, and work while studying in order to help in my household, without let my grades be affected by this. This two barrier teach me time management, responsible and, most importantly, that everything may be possible with hard work, dedication and determination. I have kept a significant high grade average point (GPA) of 3.81/4.0. I am actively participating in research projects. I am a member of PSI CHI, the International Honor Society in Psychology, and the Association for Psychological Science (APS). I am planning to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Columbia University, Teacher College.
Growing up, I never had the warm pleasures of bedtime stories; instead, I would hear about the unimaginable impoverishment my parents faced in their childhood. The immediate reality of poverty obscured their investment in their brighter futures; both were forced both to sell lottery tickets on the streets or trade vegetables for portions of meat: just to help sustain their families. Looking back at those nights, I can only be grateful. As one of the first in my family to attend college, I am piloting a new future, one where I hope to lift not only my family out of their struggles but also the community that has always supported me and global communities today.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Angelou, 2009) This is a truth that I have witnessed firsthand. As a child, at the tender age of seven years, I was blessed with an educator, Mrs. Cager, whose commitment to her students was so profound until I have never forgotten her. She made me feel like I was the most important person in her classroom. Her encouraging words instilled a level of confidence within me that I still cling to and apply more than 40 years later. Her commitment is directly responsible for my personal philosophy of education also being commitment.
This paper is my personal educational philosophy statement. It represents my ideas and values about teaching and learning; it reveals my personal teaching beliefs and their relation to the five major established educational philosophies; it shows my role and responsibilities in educational process. I place great significance on personal style of instruction and its influence on curriculum implementation. The paper also highlights my career aspiration and orientation.
Everyone has heard or been told, “high school is what you make of it.” High school is in fact what you make of it, but it is also the time of great change in everybody. Entering grade nine you still feel like a kid, your post-secondary and career choices are far from top priority. However, by grade twelve we become more mature and grow into young adults. Personally looking back to my grade nine self and comparing her to my grade twelve self of today, I am able to see changes in my character, my athletics and my goals.
What is education? According to Webster’s Dictionary education is defined as, (noun) 1: the action or process of being educating or of being educated, 2: the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools. What does education provide for us? How important is education in today’s society?
So far, the college experience has made me a changed person. College changed me into a better person on many occasions. I have learned to be more responsible, when it comes down to getting work done. In college you must be responsible. I have also changed my attitude. Moving from high school to college is a big step; if you don’t change your ways for the better then you might not be successful in college. When you reach college then is the time that you become an adult.
My high school years, unlike the past years of steady achievements, felt much more like a sine graph with ups and downs. To begin with, I conquered my freshman year in a breeze. My easily achievable classes not only earned myself confidence, but also admiration and respect from my classmates and teachers. As a result, I comfortably acclimated myself to the status of a star student.
A lot of people think education is just something you get in school, but in reality education comes from different places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was already being educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk, and a lot of other things that help out in life.
For every change within a society, personal changes with “self” must happen. These social changes are important to people while, people who don’t benefit from it think changes within the self isn’t important for social changes. Personal change is a journey a person takes of discovering something within themselves and acting upon a social change. That social change is society evolving to better ways. Jane Goodall talks about her experience in a moment of truth with self being absent in a moment of need in her writing titled In the Forest of Gombe, where she spends a few weeks in the forest following chimpanzees has helped her cope with her grief of her husband. She comes to the realization that her “self” was nonexistent and everyone in
Public school systems need to be more sensitive to their students. Parents play the major role in determining a child’s academic outcome, but the school system needs to notice children who don’t necessarily acknowledge their gift. These children need guidance -- I believe it is the schools’ responsibility to provide it to them. I have been through a situation that makes me feel strongly about the subject. My example is an indisputable case in point.
In my life, I have been exposed to a challenge called change. Change can occur in many different ways and is dealt with in many different ways. I have come to the awareness that change can be the deepest of all things. I always thought that change occurred when you moved to a state or when you lost someone real close to you. Those are a challenge to change, yes, but change doesn’t have to occur over a climactic incident. It can just appear overnight when your brain winds up when it’s time to do something different. Even with friends that you used to have and know that move on. For example, most of my friends from elementary school, I don’t even talk to them anymore.
Education is one of the most essential necessities of a personal life because without education, we would not have a brighter future. In two essays “Learning to Read and Write” and “A Homemade Education”, Malcolm and Douglass describe what they have gone through in order to become more successful in their pursuits in life. While Malcolm X lived part of his life in prison, he spent his time writing numerous definitions from a dictionary amongst the walls and tables. The elements of the dictionary motivated him to not only become a free man, but a well educated one at that. Douglass, who also taught himself, began his life in slavery. But after a series of attempts, he escapes from slavery and pursues into his