
How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson Dbq

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United States President Andrew Jackson was president from 1828-1832, and 1836-1840. In that time, it was questioned if Jackson was truly democratic or not, and democracy is important to America, it’s the basis of our government’s beliefs, so if Jackson wasn’t democratic at the time, how could you have trusted him? Although some people believe he wasn’t democratic, I believe he was, he was voted for by lots of people, and not just the rich, many of the farmers and poor voted for him, Jackson was praised by many for his very democratic views as well, he believed that people holding government office shouldn’t be chosen just because of their merit or wealth, he gave the Native Americans a district of their own, which nobody could make into a state …show more content…

As shown in the chart of document A, in 1828 and 1836, most states allowed for the people to vote instead of just the legislature, an in document B, Bailey and Kennedy wrote, “Jackson’s victory accelerated the transfer of national power from the country house to the farmhouse, from the East to the West, from the snobs to the mobs.”. Both of these documents show a very democratic belief, voting rights for all. First, not only could the rich vote, but even the poor, also, most states at the time of Jackson’s election were giving voting rights to the people, not just the …show more content…

As written once again by Jackson in document J, “...I suggest for your consideration...setting apart an ample district west of the Mississippi, and (outside) the limits of any state or territory now formed, to be guaranteed to the Indian tribes as long as they shall occupy it,”. Jackson was making an area of land for the Natives that the Americans couldn’t take over, which was a problem in the past for the Natives. The Natives home’s had been taken away by the Americans many times before, so now Jackson gives them their own land that nobody under law can take from

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