
How Did Andrew Jackson Influence On American Politics

Decent Essays

During Andrew Jackson presidency, his influences on American politics was pervasive both before and after his time in office. The years from about 1824 to 1840 have been called the “Era of the Common Man.” During this time the United States was far from democratic. Women could not vote and were legally under the control of their husbands; free blacks, if not completely alienated, were considered second‐class citizens, slavery was growing in the southern states. Moreover, the period was a time when the resettlement of Native Americans west of the Mississippi River and the concentration of wealth. But changes did occur that broadened participation in politics, and reform movements emerged to address the inequalities in American society. Andrew …show more content…

Jackson wanted to represent the will of the people instead of only listening to the people who had power. Yet while the Jackson wanted to represent the people he would express less sympathy to the aspirations of the people below him. Also Jackson and his followers who were democrats, their ideological origins were less of a democratic reform movement and more of an effort to restore a lost past. While Jackson and his followers looked in disgust toward the new industrial society that was emerging at the time, they wanted to restore the earlier republican virtues. Changing his ideology from a democratic one to a republican one. Jackson was also a person who tried to avoid the new revolutionary generations, but yet he would happily lead America to a new revolution not against the British but against the people who challenge the ability of white men to control the continent. The system of the Democratic Party struggled between giving unrestricted opportunities to all white men and advancing the goals of capitalists through government. Supported by the middle and the working class, Jackson helped make the right of elected officials to appoint their own followers to public office, arguing that it would prevent the elites and aristocracies from taking over power within the

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