
How Did Bob Dylan Impact Society

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Bob Dylan is an American singer/songwriter best known for his rock and roll music starting from the early sixties. Though he is more famously known as a rock and roll star, Bob Dylan was recently awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Bob Dylan will now go down in history with other literary laureates including, but not limited to, T.S. Elliot, Toni Morrison, Samuel Beckett, etc. Due to the honor and elevation associated with these men and their literary achievements, some people today do not believe that Bob Dylan meets the criteria necessary, as these other poets had, to receive this award. Based on the information that I have researched stating what criteria the prize is awarded, Bob Dylan’s music contributions, career achievements, and …show more content…

First, let’s see how Bob Dylan impact our culture. A main reason Dylan’s music was so influential was because of the time that had his big break. The things that he was singing about in his lyrics were extremely relevant to the major events happening not only in America, but around the world at that time, and people were able to relate to his lyrics. Jim Crowe laws were being abolished during the civil rights movement, communism was coming to end in eastern Europe, and so many other things were happening around the world. But the thing that made Bob Dylan so influential on our culture was the fact that he was involved in these events, not only as a person through protests, but as a musician through his lyrics. He galvanized powerful movements for social justice and peace though the power of his music and fame. As Dylan’s career continued he expanded his music and made major contributions to the world of music. Many of his songs are folk songs, or renditions of folksy songs, in a bluesy tone with a raspy voice. He was unforgettable because of his new innovative sound, but he took it a step further than that when he performed on an electric guitar for the first time at a concert in 1965. People booed him off the stage during that concert, but the very next album that he released featured songs with his raspy voice mixed with the electric sound. He introduced a sound that was foreign to rock and roll music and continued to reinvent himself, and music, from that point

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