
How Did C Wright Mills Conceptualize The Sociological Imagination ( 5 Points )?

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Section 1 Mills 1.1 How did C. Wright Mills conceptualize the sociological imagination (5 points)? As C. Wright Mills states, people who have sociological imagination can understand from the larger social scene to individuals’ life and the relationship between the two. Such quality of mind to grasp social relativity and the transformative power of history equips people with a self-consciousness view of themselves as outsiders. 1.2 What does Mills’ conception of the sociological imagination share with classical social theory (5 points)? 1) C. Wright Mills sees to realize the promise of the sociological imagination the mark of the classic social analyst. Questions about structure, position in human history, prevailing varieties of a particular society, and the mechanics that its potential development rests upon are believed by Mills to be what best social analysts have asked, despite what they focus on. For him, these questions are the intellectual pivots of classic studies of human society. It is inevitable for those with the sociological imagination to raise such questions. 2) Besides, Mills thinks among all classic work of social science exists one feature, which he refers to the distinction between individual troubles of social environment and public issues of social structure. He believes it to be the most constructive issue that the sociological imagination works with and the essential tool of this quality of mind. From Mill’s perspective, it is structural changes that

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