
How Did Christopher Columbus Discovered America

Decent Essays

Course Reflection This class has really opened up my eyes to many new views and opinions toward certain information and assumptions. Before taking this class I did not believe I was racist or had any downward views towards any people or cultural. This soon came to my attention that everyone has a little bit of racist in them no matter how hard you try not to be. I also thought that Columbus discovered America, I found it very interesting and almost common sense when we discussed this issue and how the school curriculum has been lying to students in a sense about the discovery of America. The finial bias I soon came to see was that no matter how much you think you will not face other cultures or other religions in schools that you are not familiar with your chances are very slim. No matter where you plan to teach at their will always be situations that you are unfamiliar with. …show more content…

I was shocked at what came to my mind and my classmates; this clearly showed how everyone has some kind of racist and bias in them. The second piece of information that challenged my assumptions was when the native speaker Andy Gokee presented the knowledge that Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America and how the school boards are not willing to tell the truth about this topic. Another great exercise we did was the essay question on d2l that exemplified how that there is going to be a constant battle with religion and different cultures in schools. This question and the answers we discussed in class I thought gave a very simple and clear answer and that is that public school should be a separation between school and

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