Edwin Hubble was an important contributor to the Big Bang Theory. Edwin Hubble received his PhD in Astronomy at Chicago University. After college, he became the lead researcher in the field of astrophysics at Mount Wilson in California. He has done many things to help prove that the Big Bang Theory did in fact happen. Hubble’s revolutionary work includes finding a constant relationship between galaxies’ distance and redshift. This helped prove that the universe is expanding. He also created a classification system that was created for galaxies. The system he created is called the Hubble Sequence, which many researchers have used for the past decades. Edwin Hubble proved that galaxies outside the Milky Way existed by taking photos through
2. Explain how Edwin Hubble used Cepheid variables to change our view of the structure of the universe.
In particular by the Harvard University-based Harlow Shapley. Despite the people saying no Hubble, had his findings published in The New York Times on November 23, 1924.
The Hubble costs about 2.5 billion dollars to make. Also it has 6 cameras and sensors. It was launched in the honor of Edwin Hubble (also why the telescope was named after Edwin). As the telescope goes around in orbit with a light spectrum from the ultraviolet to near infrared it is able to take some very incredibly close and clear images. The telescope uses a digital camera to capture all of the great images and uses radio waves to send the pictures through air back to the Earth so we all are able to see what great things are happening outside of the Earth. With all of the information we get from the telescope we are able to stars being born and stars die. We are able to see galaxies that trillion miles away. It was able to see a comet pieces crash into gases above Jupiter. Also, we have been to discover moons that are around pluto that have never been able to see before. Additionally, we are able to understand how planets and galaxies form. We have so much information and have discovered so many new things from the Hubble Space
Galileo was an Italian mathematician and astronomer who developed an improved telescope. He made observations the undermined established understandings of the cosmos. His discovery of Jupiter and many new stars, suggested a cosmos far larger than the finite universe of traditional astronomy. He published his remarkable findings in a book titled The Starry Messenger. (Ways of the World, 557-559)
What were the key ideas and observations that led to the development of the Big Bang Theory? First, scientists found that the universe is expanding. The observation that led them to conclude that everything used to be extremely close together before some kind of explosion occurred. Second, the big bang perfectly explains the abundance of helium, hydrogen and other elements in the universe. According to the Big Bang Theory, a very hot soup of elementary particles flew apart at an astonishing rate and filled the universe. These particles in abundance are what we observe today. Third, Penzias and Wilson detected radiation in their efforts to survey the Milk Way by using a radio telescope. Their intention was to measure radio sources of the
The Enlightenment was a period in time where many new ideas and discoveries were being found. Specifically in science, during the age of Enlightenment, there were a lot of changes that changed the history of it. From the 17th century all the way to the 19th, one of the most significant discoveries were the advances in the study of Astronomy. Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, and Johannes Kepler were some of the most important astronomers from the enlightenment and they greatly helped with the advancement of science. These astronomers helped create and refine telescopes, described and defined how gravity worked, and created different kinds of star charts.
His discovery of astronomy was the starting point to many modern day discoveries, you know the stuff NOVA does.
Edwin Hubble’s curiosity about the universe started at youth and has grown. Without this, he would have no desire to study the stars or galaxies. Hubble’s interest in astronomy at the age of eight. On his eighth birthday party he spent the night with his grandfather star gazing (Freidman 16). When he was twelve years old he would ask his parents to seep outside and look at the stars at midnight with his friend Sam Shelton (18). His grandfather asked Hubble an astronomical question, and Hubble answered it so cleverly that his
Galileo might be the most famous person in the development of astronomy. He is famous, not only because of the amazing work he did to advance Copernican theory of heliocentrism, but also because of the controversy that surrounded him. Using new methods and instruments, he provided compelling new evidence to support Copernican theory. He also contributed to the development of theories of physics that could account for the movements of bodies in new terms. His observations of the movements of objects in the heavens required different explanations than the old ideas about the heavens. It required him, and others, to begin to understand the reasons to explain these new observations. His efforts to publicize his findings was met by
“classified Hubble as a Cassegrain reflector, who was among the first to suggest a basic optical design.”1 The Hubble space telescope was launched and deployed in April of 1990, which “marked the most significant advance in astronomy since Galileo's telescope. Thanks to four servicing missions and more than 25 years of operation, the view of the universe and humanity's place within it has never been the same.” 2 In describing how
As stated on nasa.gov, “Hubble has made more than 1.2 million observations since it’s missions began in 1990.” Hubble has also expanded astronomers knowledge about the universe and space as a whole. The most famous observation made by this telescope was that of galaxies beyond our own, Milky Way, and discovering that the universe is much larger than further predicted. Before this telescope, ground based telescopes could only see into our galaxy and could not reach any further. Therefore, it was thought that the Milky Way was the only galaxy included in space and the universe. Due to the fact, Hubble’s telescope, expands and allows for the study across a wider light spectrum, astronomers can see beyond further predicted. Another famous observation, studied by astronomers was that of the study of uncharted territories of the cosmos. As proposed on hubblesite.org, “It became increasingly clear to astronomers that Earth’s atmosphere distorted starlight, which made it difficult to obtain razor-sharp views of celestial objects. The idea of placing a telescope in space, above Earth’s turbulent air, had been kicked around for several years. But scientists pondered how to transport a telescope into space.” That was until, Hubble’s creation that displayed imagery of the cosmos. Once again it had accomplished a feat that had troubled ground based telescopes. In
Whether it was spending ÅÇrigid nights beneath the open observatory dome photographing nebulae¡¦(Parshall et al, 1998, p.PG) or forever challenging the concepts that he deemed unsubstantial, Hubble made it his lifelong ambition to ascertain as much information about the universeÃÔ vastness as he possibly could. Of all the monumental discoveries that were credited to HubbleÃÔ perseverance, one of the most important concerned the issue of receding galaxies. By all appearances, Hubble had stumbled onto the fact that ¡¦the cosmos was expanding, flying apart as if it has once been highly concentrated¡¦(Parshall et al, 1998 p.PG). Little did he know at the time, but his discovery would come to represent the big bang theory that has evolved as such a well-known concept within the worldÃÔ contemporary scientific society. Hubble was a US astronomer who studied extragalactic nebulae and demonstrated them to be galaxies like our own. He found the first evidence for the expansion of the Universe, in accordance with the cosmological theories of George Lema and Willem de Sitter, and his work led to an enormous expansion of our perception of the size of the Universe.
There has been a lot of research done on the influence media can have on society, in particular the degrading images of women that are often seen in media. Since the second wave of the women’s rights movements these images were the object of scrutiny and an easy example of how women were viewed. In modern society where women have made many strides towards equality why are there still instances in popular media were women are negatively depicted? Have women come as far as they think? The popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory negatively depicts the female characters by reverting to a binary view of gender, in which the female characters are lacking, they can be beautiful or smart however they cannot be both.
Astronomers believed the Universe was created about 14 billion years ago. During that time, the entire Universe was inside a bubble that was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead, and it was insanely hot and dense. Out of nowhere this little bubble started expanding. This expansion created what we know as the Universe. In such little time the Universe went from the size of an atom to the ginormous galaxy we have that is continuously growing.
Once microwave radiation was discovered, studies improved on the Milky Way Galaxy. Its Doppler Shift can be used to map the motion of gas in it. Also, with radio telescopes, hydrogen gas can now be traced. When the Hubble Space Telescope was introduced in 1990, that made exploring space so much easier and more efficient. That’s how we discovered so much about our universe- including galaxies!