
How Did Guatemala After Independence

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Guatemala After Independence:
After independence, in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, Guatemala solely relied on coffee as a means of exports. Life in Guatemala did not change significantly after independence. However, the major change came economically after independence Guatemala focused on the production of coffee. Coffee became their main cash crop, and foreign investment in coffee increased.
Coffee then began to be produce at a large scale, large masses of lands were required to cultivate it. As a result many of the indigenous people who owned land in the countrysides lost their lands. The government support if the production of coffee, drove off the indigenous off their lands. The masses of lands then required for people to work the lands. As a result of being driven off their lands, and not having means of production of crops to sell and to have to eat, the indigenous were driven to work and cultivate the lands they once owned. The indigenous became dependent on this type of employment. The work of indigenous people cultivating land developed a complex system of labor into three types of classes as …show more content…

Democratic reforms were passed with the goals to modernize Guatemala. As the nineteenth century was coming to an end, the twentieth century saw the benefits of industrialization. Industrialization had modernized many countries, and as a result there was an expansion world capitalism. Capitalism brought in a large frequency of monopolization of these modernized and industrialized countries such as those in Europe and the US. The book The Battle for Guatemala written by Susanne Jonas explains “for Guatemala this meant a new kind of foreign investment , giving control over important productive sectors of the economy to foreign interests, and producing a new alliance between those interests and the Guatemalan bourgeoisie” (Jonas,

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