
How Did Guy Montag Influence On Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Ray Bradbury has created an array of influential people in his novel titled Fahrenheit 451. In his dystopian society, books became banned, they have firemen who start fires instead of stop them, and anyone caught with a book gets punished severely. As a result of this, the man character Guy Montag, a fireman himself, meets three persuasively powerful people who make him question if what he does is the right thing. Montag is influenced by Clarisse, Faber, and Captain Beatty. First off, Clarisse influenced Montag. When Guy Montag met Clarisse McClellan, she opened his eyes to the damaged society they lived in. Clarisse first made him question whether or not his profession made him happy. “Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. ‘Are you happy?’ she said” (10). When Montag heard this he thought of her as ridiculous. Then he thought about it more, and realized that he cannot think of himself as happy while he burns books. He registers that his profession takes down society, not helps it. The second character who shed light on Montag’s situation was Faber. …show more content…

He wanted Montag to change himself and change life as they knew it. “Faber glanced nervously at his bedroom door. ‘To see the firehouses burn across the land, destroyed as hotbeds of treason … You and I and who else will set the fires’” (86)? Faber displays how he will go along with Montag’s plan to help Montag. He can tell that Montag does not want to burn books anymore, and wants to help him stop doing so. This will help not only Montag’s view of himself but also the community. Lastly, Captain Beatty helps Montag change, although he is unaware of

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