
How Guy Montag Changes In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

Mr. Soard
16 November 2016
Guy Montag
“He would not be Montag anymore…and one day he would look back upon the fool and know the fool. Even now he could feel the start of the long journey, the leave-taking, the going away from the self he had been.” In Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451, guy Montag is a fireman who I believe has changed throughout. Firemen in Fahrenheit 451 do not fight fires but start fires by burning books. Guy Montag goes through many optsticals during this story such as, becoming distant from everyone around him. He begins to have difficulties communicating with other people, hiding books even though he should be burning them, and talking to people about the books which could put Guy Montag in a lot of danger. “If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you’ll never learn.” …show more content…

Clarisse asks him if he was truly happy. That question sticks with him throughout the entire story making Guy Montag think very deeply about his happiness and his mindset. With that question in mind all of the time, it made him very cautious, alert, and overall confused. When Clarisse and Guy Montag would have conversations, He felt uncomfortable and seemed paranoid about almost everything. He did not like asking questions and when he did he felt impolite. Clarisse begins to tell Guy Montag about the firemen from long ago. They would put out fires instead of starting them. Guy Montag reacts in an odd way, he started to laugh. Clarisse mentions “you laugh when I haven’t been funny and you answer right off. You never stop to think what I’ve asked you.” Clarisse obviously believes that something is up with Guy Montag and wanted to trigger his mind. This is the point where Guy Montag begins to rethink

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