
How Did Jefferson Influence The Republican Party

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The Republican Party (later Democratic-Republican Party), created by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in 1791, challenged the Federalists. While the Federalists favored close ties with the British in foreign affairs, the Republicans wanted to improve relations with France and strengthen the old attachment. Alexander ended up interfering in Jefferson’s domain as Secretary of Foreign Affairs in an attempt to seeing his program come to a completion. This led to a dispute with Jefferson. The two became rivals, always wanting to throw each other out of Washington’s Cabinet.
Meanwhile, Alexander and Betsey had their fourth son on August 22, 1792. He was named John Church.
In February 1793, France and England entered into a war. Alexander used …show more content…

For the presidency, members nominated John Adams, while for the vice presidency, they voted for Thomas Pinckney. However, Alexander was convinced that Adams was not devoted to his political beliefs. In turn, he attempted to make Pinckney president by manipulating the Electoral College.
After the election, Adams won as the new president on March 4, 1797. He retained Washington’s Cabinet, whose members still consulted with Alexander often on all policies. This proved that Alexander’s influence in the government continued. The Cabinet gave him confidential information and as a result, he was still able to push his policies on the new president.
Meanwhile, before the year ended, Alexander and Betsey’s family grew even bigger. They welcomed fifth son, William Stephen, on August 4, 1797.
War with France
As if happening due to Alexander’s visionary ideas, France broke relations with the US. The new administration and popular demands called for a war against the country’s former ally. Alexander stood his ground against any ideas of violence and war. However, this changed when the French published dispatches of insults to the US …show more content…

Alexander however, wanted to command a new one. Adams denied Alexander’s requests to which Washington resisted. He forced Adams to make Alexander second in command, with the rank of Major General, in September 1798. Unfortunately, Adams felt extremely humiliated because of this. He never got over it and harbored anger towards Alexander. However, he kept any kinds of quarrel from being known to the public.
At home, Alexander and Betsey were more than delighted to have another daughter. They named her Elizabeth too, but called her Eliza. She was born on November 20, 1799.
In the army, as second in command, Alexander became an inspector general. He wanted to lead his troops south into Florida and Louisiana, which were Spanish territories at that time. However, he never did. At the order of the Congress, Adams disbanded Alexander’s provisional army. In June 1800, Alexander resigned his commission.
Meanwhile, Adams removed members from his Cabinet that he believed were loyal to Alexander. In retaliation, Alexander did his best to prevent Adams from winning another term as president. He privately circulated The Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States in October 1800. The document attacked Adams on a personal

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