
How Did Lemuel Brooke's Life Contribute To 1860?

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BIOGRAPHY Lemuel Haynes was born in 1753 in West Hartford, Connecticut. His mother gave birth secretly in the home of John Haynes, and was given his surname. He was born to a respectable white mother and an unknown black man, who neither wanted him (Early Evangelicalism). He was early on placed into a white family but was still legally considered to be an indentured servant. He was treated much different than other slaves. Haynes was a surrogate child, and was the most favored child in the family. He attended school and received an education, which was much different compared to other servants. Haynes served as an agricultural servant, taking care of the animals and tending to the land for farming. After being an indentured servant …show more content…

and Mrs. Rose, his guardians. Haynes composed an essay in 1776 related to liberty and thoughts on the unlawfulness of keeping slaves. After the Revolution, he became known among the whites as an inspiring preacher. He was a New Divinity Theologian who believed that slave keeping and oppression was sinful. His use of republican ideology and New Divinity Theology established Hayes as a founding father of Black Theology, although he has never been acknowledged. Hayes has been invisible partly because he did not minister in independent black churches or denominations but also because his most critical piece on slavery remained unpublished until 1983. He pronounced the fundamentals of Black Theology in 1776 and laid the footing with his first sermon, which discussed conversion. Daniel Farrand, a leader of eighteenth century rivals and minister in Connecticut, tutored Lemuel in Latin as well as theology and certified him as a qualifier for ordination in 1780. Shortly after he preached his first public sermon in Wintonbury, Connecticut. In 1783 he was married to Elizabeth Babbit and they had nine children. Lemuel was ordained a minister on November 9, 1785. Shortly after that, in 1788, he was assigned as minister to a Congregational Church in Rutland, Vermont. In 1804 he earned his honorary master’s degree from Middlebury College. From 1792 to 1820, he published essays, sermons, poems, and hymns from the mid-1770s to 1821. Most of his publications started as sermons and evolved from those (“Haynes,

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