
How Did Malcolm X Assassination Unjust

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The Assassination of Malcolm X Is it fair for someone innocent to be assassinated for doing the right thing ? On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated by Thomas Hagan, a member of the Nation of Islam. This took place on Washington Heights, New York City, NY. The assassination of Malcolm X was unjust because he was a human rights activist and an African American Muslim minister, however many people believe he taught violence and racism. Malcolm X was unjust because he was a human rights activist. X had grown frustrated with the non-violent and was worried that blacks would lose control of their act. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X. it states “He advised African Americans to refuse to participate in what he called White Man's Wars , such as wars in Korea and Vietnam.” This means that Malcolm X did not want blacks to lose control and start violence because of the whites. He did not want whites to be control of the blacks. Malcolm X not only wanted to end racial discrimination for him, but for every single black person alive that were suffering. Being an African American Muslim minister not only talks about their beliefs but wants to help and solve problems that …show more content…

Malcolm wanted everyone to be safe and protect themselves but not using no violence and killing each other. According to “Racism and Religion: The Contrasting Views of Benjamin Mays, Malcolm X ,and Martin Luther King Jr.”, it states “ The truth of the blacks people role in history has been hidden by a white conspiracy handed down generation, continually brainwashing blacks.” This means that no one really gave importance to the problems blacks were having. It wasn't fair because everyone did not worry if blacks were treated badly and were put to jail. Black people needed to be free and be able to do whatever they want. White men made sure they had few rights and not be equal as the other human

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