
How Did Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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Montag and how Clarisse changes his life.
“Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity. Are you happy? She said. “Am I what?” He cried (7).
Ray Bradbury illustrates the principles of how other people can alter and influence people's lives in his book, Fahrenheit 451. Montag’s life was always mundane and he lived on a day to day basis with a never changing routine. He neither found anything interesting nor distasteful. He was, to his belief, content and believed he was leading the life that was meant to be. When Montag met Clarisse, it sparked a change in him. She was full of wonder and curiosity, which in turn transferred over to him as each conversation they had passed. She made him question everything, the who,when, how, and why. He felt a comfort in their relationship, a comfort that was greater than his own marriage. During one of their talks, Clarisse asks Montag if he was in love and he hesitated. That hesitation made him queasy because he should have been able to answer that easily. Shouldn't he have known the answer? He was married so he should be in love with his wife, correct? That was incorrect. He realizes that he and his wife have become very distant because of the fact that Mildred has separated …show more content…

Granger teaches Montag by telling him how life was like back before the burning of books. Granger shows Montag that he could help change current society’s values by memorizing the books. Even if books are destroyed, the contents of them would be preserved by the readers and the readers could help rebuild society with the knowledge they contain. Granger also explains to Montag at the end of book 3 that they still have a chance to rebuild their corrupt society. Just like the rebirth of a Phoenix, the city can rise up from the ground and has a chance to be rebuilt by learning from its past

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