
How Does Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

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(Bradbury 122). Later on in the book when Montag is on the run he encounters people going over 90 miles per hour, they purposefully try to run him over, in part because of his rebellion against society and also for fun. Anyone in the community is willing to kill someone who doesn’t follow the community’s rules.
Throughout part two of Fahrenheit 451 Montag shows real change from his book burning self, he begins to question if books are truly bad, something he had only dabbled in before. He then realizes he has no one to trust. “I’m just doing what I’m told, like always” (Bradbury 88). In wondering this his boss Beatty tries to scare him into not wanting to read the books he has collected. He goes to Montag's house and also sends the hound after this fails Montag goes back to work with his plan to take out the firemen. His first call once back at the station then becomes …show more content…

He also takes the life of his captain, Beatty. In doing so he is officially on the run. Since he destroyed the original hound they brought in a new one, “It stood near the smoking ruins of Montag’s house and the men brought his discarded flamethrower to it and put it down under the muzzle of the Hound” (Bradbury 129). The firemen are so adamant about catching Montag so the community doesn’t try to follow in his steps that they go out of their way to bring in a new hound just to catch him. As he is about to exit the city the new’s tells the population “‘Police suggest entire population in Elm Terrace area to do as follows: Everyone in every house in every street open a front or rear door or look from the windows. The fugitive cannot escape if everyone in the next minute looks from his house. Ready’” (Bradbury 132)! Everyone proceeds to do as they’re told, everyone, Montag’s friends, family, fellow firemen, everyone is against montag because the community is against him. The society is willing to abandon anyone for any

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