
How Did Plato's Beliefs Contribute To The Study Of Philosophy

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Philosophy can be described as coming to understand through means of deep thoughts. Two famous examples of practitioners of this field include Plato and Parmenides. Though these two philosophers taught about many different things, they both taught and agreed on one thing: what it meant to be wise. Plato and Parmenides both provide an account of what it means to be wise, and the central agreement between them is that at its core, wisdom is realizing that truth lies beyond the base senses and hubris of the human body.
Plato believed that wisdom consists of gaining knowledge and understanding through the forms, and by reducing dependency on the bodily senses, and the material realm that they observe. Plato is called a dualist, meaning that he thought there are two separate and …show more content…

The knowledge that they gained through understanding the eternal and unchanging form is something they could have never been made aware of if they had tried to gain knowledge through observing the material triangles only with the use of their bodily senses. In his dialogue, Republic, Plato described the process of using the forms to gain knowledge and wisdom through his famous Allegory of the Cave. In this thought experiment, Plato described a cave, in which there were multiple prisoners, who for their entire lives have been bound and shackled in such a way that they were made to look at the wall of the cave. On this wall, several shadows of statues of animals, plants, and animals are cast by a fire behind the prisoners. These prisoners, if not told otherwise, would live their entire lives believing that the shadows were the only things in existence; not being aware that they were mere images of something which is more real. However, one of the prisoners were freed, they would be able to turn around and see that the shadows were less real than the statues,

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