
How Did Recording Technology Affect Japan American Popular Culture

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After WWII Japan was left in very bad condition, they had a lot of reconstruction to do within their society as well as outside. It took them decades to recover but they managed to get back on their feet. They were able to rebuild their reputation and take over with soft power. In the 1960s Japan’s economy grew, once the economy grew they were able to share their growth globally. Japan produced video games, VCRs, CDs and Cameras all of which induced the globalization of Asian popular culture. The technologies were odorless which allowed people to individualize themselves, not only did Japan produced technologies but art forms as well. The youth of this time wasn’t greatly affected by WWII therefore welcomed these art forms with open minds …show more content…

Recording technology allowed people to enjoy entertainment such as movies, music and photography. Popular culture began to grow bigger during the industrial revolution because there was more disposable income and people looking for an outlet to relieve themselves after a hard day at work. Recording technologies also allowed African American to prosper out of the south giving them the opportunity to spread Blues and Jazz music globally. In China Jazz music was aspired by the upper class and ventured out. This led to localization giving Jazz a twist and creating a hybrid that allowed the Chinese to take Jazz music and put their cultural spin on it. It gave everyone a sense of independence and identity everyone was able to individualize while enjoy entertainment. Then came the calm before the storm, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the U.S. struck back leaving Japan in very bad shape. After WWII Japan had to reconstruct their society and …show more content…

It wasn’t until Satsuki meets Totoro while waiting at the bus stop for their father. The following day as the girls are out picking vegetables with Granny they receive a telegram regarding their mother. The telegram stating to give the doctor a call, the girls later find out that their mother won’t be joining them for the weekend as planned. Mei and Satsuki are both upset about it, Satsuki yells at Mei in frustration. Mei’s feelings are hurt so she decides to run away, she is nowhere to be found. Everyone in the town is looking for her, they find a shoe in a nearby water hole. Everyone believes it belongs to Mei until Satsuki confirms it isn’t. Satsuki takes it upon herself to run into the forest and ask Totoro for help. Totoro calls upon his friend Nekobasu or Catbus to help find Mei. Catbus takes Satsuki straight to her, Mei is scared and crying. Catbus volunteers to take the girls to see their mother. The girls sit at on a tree outside the hospital room looking in on their mother and father talking. Mei leaves the corn she has been carrying on the window seal. Their father finds it and says “I wonder who left this” while the mother replies “I don’t know”, she then looks out the window and says “I could have sworn I saw Mei and Satsuki smiling from the tree up there”. This is when the father looks at the corn again and notices the writing on the corn “for

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