
Western Influence on Japan Essay

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Western Influence on Japan

Japan, as a nation, is a continually changing society. Ever since western nations became involved with Japan, its changes over recent times have increased at a substantial rate. Japan now faces cultural, economical and social differences as a result of the western involvement. The involvement was initiated by the Japanese themselves, beginning during the
Meiji Period1 through current times. As time increases, Japan is slowly becoming more 'westernized' because of western involvement. Western involvement is greatly affecting Japan.

Western involvement began in Japan during the late 1800's. The Meiji dynasty helped to carry it through, seeing the importance of western ideas.
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We explained to them about the electric telegraph and soon after we even connected them with California's telegraphs.10 Many
Japanese women started to wear western dresses or even sweaters and slacks.11 Japan changed politically as well. Japan became divided up into
47 profectures, which are similar to American states. Japan has carried over America's democratic ideas of social freedom, economic independence, and democratic liberties and privileges Japan's government soon began the executive, legislative, and judicial branches seen in America seen after the war.13 These changes all became possible soon after the war with great financial aid from the Us.14 Japan's progress in America's modernization program was so fast, we had to begin recognizing Japan as a world power.15

After Japan's modernization program, Japanese life began to change less dramatically, but never stopped. Within recent times, many western- style appliances and such can be found in Japanese homes.16 The Japanese schools, based on America's, teach the same things in grade school as
American schools.17 Many of the students are learning in these schools to take English language courses to help them as they get older.18 Sports today, are shaped similar to America's. Japan has carried over many sports from America including frisbees, jogging, skateboarding19, and baseball.20
Baseball is among

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